man pages section 2: System Calls
 p_online — get or change processor operational status ( Index Term Link )
 pathconf — get configurable pathname variables ( Index Term Link )
 pathname, get configurable variables — pathconf ( Index Term Link )
 pause — suspend process until signal ( Index Term Link )
 pipe — create an interprocess channel ( Index Term Link )
 poll — input/output multiplexing ( Index Term Link )
 pread — read from file ( Index Term Link )
 priocntl — process scheduler control ( Index Term Link )
 priocntlset — generalized process scheduler control ( Index Term Link )
 process, time-sharing, change priority — nice ( Index Term Link )
 process accounting, enable or disable — acct ( Index Term Link )
 process alarm clock, set — alarm ( Index Term Link )
 process group ID
  set — setpgid ( Index Term Link )
  set — setpgrp ( Index Term Link )
 process scheduler
  control — priocntl ( Index Term Link )
  generalized control — priocntlset ( Index Term Link )
 process statistics, process execution time profile — profil ( Index Term Link )
  allows a parent process to control the execution of a child process — ptrace ( Index Term Link )
  change priority of a time-sharing process — nice ( Index Term Link )
  create a new one — fork ( Index Term Link )
  create an interprocess channel — pipe ( Index Term Link )
  execute a file — exec ( Index Term Link )
  execution time profile — profil ( Index Term Link )
  generalized scheduler control — priocntlset ( Index Term Link )
  get identification — getpid, getpgrp, getppid, getpgid ( Index Term Link )
  get next message off a stream — getmsg ( Index Term Link )
  get or set value of interval timer — getitimer, setitimer ( Index Term Link )
  get real user, effective user, real group, and effective group IDs — getuid, geteuid, getgid, getegid ( Index Term Link )
  get time — times ( Index Term Link )
  read from file — read ( Index Term Link )
  read directory entries and put in a file system independent format — getdents ( Index Term Link )
  send a signal to a process or a group of processes — kill ( Index Term Link )
  set a process alarm clock — alarm ( Index Term Link )
  set and get file creation mask — umask ( Index Term Link )
  set process group ID — setpgid ( Index Term Link )
  set process group ID — setpgrp ( Index Term Link )
  spawn new process in a virtual memory efficient way — vfork ( Index Term Link )
  supplementary group access list IDs — getgroups, setgroups ( Index Term Link )
  suspend process until signal — pause ( Index Term Link )
  the current controlling terminal — vhangup ( Index Term Link )
  wait for child process to change state — waitid ( Index Term Link )
  wait for child process to change state — waitpid ( Index Term Link )
  wait for child process to stop or terminate — wait ( Index Term Link )
 processes and protection
  — setregid() ( Index Term Link )
  — setreuid() ( Index Term Link )
 processor_bind — bind LWPs to a processor ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 processor_info — determine type and status of a processor ( Index Term Link )
 profil — process execution time profile ( Index Term Link )
 profiling utilities, execution time profile — profil ( Index Term Link )
 pset_assign — manage sets of processors ( Index Term Link )
 pset_bind — bind LWPs to a set of processors ( Index Term Link )
 pset_create — manage sets of processors ( Index Term Link )
 pset_destroy — manage sets of processors ( Index Term Link )
 pset_info — get information about a processor set ( Index Term Link )
 ptrace — allows a parent process to control the execution of a child process ( Index Term Link )
 putacct — get, put, or write extended accounting data ( Index Term Link )
 putmsg — send a message on a stream ( Index Term Link )
 putpmsg — send a message on a stream ( Index Term Link )
 pwrite — write on a file ( Index Term Link )