man pages section 1M: System Administration Commands
 C compiler, create a front-end to cc command — gencc ( Index Term Link )
  cachefslog — Cache File System logging ( Index Term Link )
  cachefsstat — Cache File System statistics ( Index Term Link )
  cachefswssize — Determine working set size for cachefs ( Index Term Link )
  cfsadmin — administer disk space used for caching file systems with the Cache File-System (CacheFS) ( Index Term Link )
  fsck_cachefs — check integrity of data cached with CacheFS ( Index Term Link )
  mount_cachefs — mount CacheFS file systems ( Index Term Link )
 cachefspack — pack files and file systems in the cache ( Index Term Link )
 captoinfo — convert termcap description to terminfo description ( Index Term Link )
 catman — create formatted files for manual pages ( Index Term Link )
 CD-ROM, packages on — pkgadd ( Index Term Link )
 CD-ROM, managing, — rmmount ( Index Term Link )
 CD-ROM, mounting, — rmmount ( Index Term Link )
 cfgadm — configuration administration ( Index Term Link )
 cfgadm_ac — EXX00 memory system administration ( Index Term Link )
 cfgadm_scsi — SCSI hardware specific commands for cfgadm ( Index Term Link )
 cfgadm_sysctrl — EXX00 system board administration ( Index Term Link )
  See cachefs
 cfsadmin — administer disk space used for caching file systems with the Cache File-System (CacheFS) ( Index Term Link )
  CacheFS Resource Parameters ( Index Term Link )
 cg14config — configure the cgfourteen device ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 change processor operational status — psradm ( Index Term Link )
 chargefee — accounting shell procedure ( Index Term Link )
 chat — Automated conversational exchange tool ( Index Term Link )
 check-hostname — check if sendmail can determine the system's fully-qualified host name ( Index Term Link )
 check if sendmail can determine the system's fully-qualified host name — check-hostname ( Index Term Link )
 check integrity of data cached with CacheFS — fsck_cachefs ( Index Term Link )
 check-permissions — check permissions on mail rerouting files ( Index Term Link )
 check permissions on mail rerouting files — check-permissions ( Index Term Link )
 chown — change owner of file ( Index Term Link )
 chroot — change root directory for a command ( Index Term Link )
 CIM Boot Manager, starting ( Index Term Link )
 CIM Object Manager, stopping ( Index Term Link )
 ckpacct — accounting shell procedure ( Index Term Link )
 clear inode
  — clri ( Index Term Link )
  — dcopy ( Index Term Link )
 clear_locks — clear locks held on behalf of an NFS client ( Index Term Link )
 clear locks held on behalf of an NFS client — clear_locks ( Index Term Link )
 client configuration daemon — dhcpagent ( Index Term Link )
 clinfo — display cluster information ( Index Term Link )
 closewtmp — puts a false DEAD_PROCESS record in /var/adm/wtmpx file ( Index Term Link )
 clri — clear inode ( Index Term Link )
 command-line interface for AnswerBook2 administration — ab2admin ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 compile MOF files into CIM classes — mofcomp ( Index Term Link )
 configuration applications, execute or define — sysidconfig ( Index Term Link )
 configure the AFB Graphics Accelerator — afbconfig ( Index Term Link )
 configure the FFB Graphics Accelerator — ffbconfig ( Index Term Link )
 configure the M64 Graphics Accelerator — m64config ( Index Term Link )
 configure the PGX32 Graphics Accelerator — pgxconfig ( Index Term Link )
 configure the Raptor GFX Graphics Accelerator — GFXconfig ( Index Term Link )
  cgfourteen device — cg14config ( Index Term Link )
  contiguous memory for sx video — sxconfig ( Index Term Link )
  undo system configuration — sys-unconfig ( Index Term Link )
 configure and administer a smartcard — smartcard ( Index Term Link )
 configure device attributes — devconfig ( Index Term Link )
 configure Mobility IP Agent — mipagentconfig ( Index Term Link )
 configure operating system crash dump — dumpadm ( Index Term Link )
 configure or unconfigure mouse, keyboard, display — kdmconfig ( Index Term Link )
 Configure the power management system — pmconfig ( Index Term Link )
 configure the Solaris Management Console — smcconf ( Index Term Link )
 configure transport providers for use by sockets — soconfig ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 configures the bd (buttons and dials) stream — bdconfig ( Index Term Link )
 connect accounting
  — acctcon ( Index Term Link )
  — fwtmp ( Index Term Link )
  — utmp2wtmp ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  — wtmpfix ( Index Term Link )
 consadm — select or display devices used as auxiliary console devices ( Index Term Link )
 construct a FAT file system — mkfs_pcfs ( Index Term Link )
 control and query bindings of processes to processors — pbind ( Index Term Link )
 conv_lp — convert LP configuration ( Index Term Link )
 conv_lpd — convert LPD configuration ( Index Term Link )
 convert a JavaSpaces datastore to the newer Reliable Log datastore format — wbemconfig ( Index Term Link )
 convert LP configuration — conv_lp ( Index Term Link )
 convert LPD configuration — conv_lpd ( Index Term Link )
 convert name server configuration files — named-bootconf ( Index Term Link )
 copy FNS contexts — fncopy ( Index Term Link )
 coradm — core file administration ( Index Term Link )
 core file administration — coradm ( Index Term Link )
 CPU PROM monitor, program — monitor ( Index Term Link )
 cpustat — monitor system behavior using CPU performance counters ( Index Term Link )
 crash — examine system memory image ( Index Term Link )
 create, NIS dbm file — makedbm ( Index Term Link )
 create an FNS context — fncreate ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create FNS file system contexts — fncreate_fs ( Index Term Link )
 create LDAP entries from corresponding /etc files — ldapaddent ( Index Term Link )
 create new printers in the FNS namespace — fncreate_printer ( Index Term Link )
 creation and management of processor sets — psrset ( Index Term Link )
 cron — clock daemon ( Index Term Link )
 cvcd — virtual console daemon ( Index Term Link )