man pages section 1: User Commands
 face — executable for the Framed Access Command Environment Interface ( Index Term Link )
 factor — obtain the prime factors of a number ( Index Term Link )
 false — provide truth values ( Index Term Link )
 fastboot — reboot system without checking disks ( Index Term Link )
 fasthalt — halt system without checking disks ( Index Term Link )
 fc — shell built-in functions to re-use previous command-lines from the current shell ( Index Term Link )
 fdformat — format floppy diskette or PCMCIA memory card ( Index Term Link )
 fg — shell built-in functions to control process execution ( Index Term Link )
 fgrep — search file for fixed-character string ( Index Term Link )
 file — determine file type ( Index Term Link )
  change ownership — chown ( Index Term Link )
  determine type of — file ( Index Term Link )
  display names — ls ( Index Term Link )
  files perusal filter for CRTs — pg ( Index Term Link )
  make link to — ln ( Index Term Link )
  print — lpr ( Index Term Link )
  strip affixes — basename ( Index Term Link )
  sum — sum and count blocks in file ( Index Term Link )
  update last modified date of — touch ( Index Term Link )
 file — get file type ( Index Term Link )
 file system
  display status of disk space — df ( Index Term Link )
  make hard or symbolic links to files — ln ( Index Term Link )
  where am I — pwd ( Index Term Link )
 file transfer program, — ftp ( Index Term Link )
 filep — frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter ( Index Term Link )
  change owner of file — chown ( Index Term Link )
  change the permissions mode of a file — chmod ( Index Term Link )
  compare two files — cmp ( Index Term Link )
  compress — compress ( Index Term Link )
  compress files — pack ( Index Term Link )
  compress files — pcat ( Index Term Link )
  concatenate and display — cat ( Index Term Link )
  copy — cp ( Index Term Link )
  copy archives — cpio ( Index Term Link )
  crypt — encrypt/decrypt ( Index Term Link )
  cut out selected fields of each line of a file — cut ( Index Term Link )
  display uncompressed files but leaves compressed files intact — zcat ( Index Term Link )
  display a count of lines, words and characters in a file — wc ( Index Term Link )
  display first few lines — head ( Index Term Link )
  display last part — tail ( Index Term Link )
  display line-by-line differences between pairs of large text files — bdiff ( Index Term Link )
  display line-by-line differences between pairs of text files — diff ( Index Term Link )
  display line-by-line differences between three text files — diff3 ( Index Term Link )
  expand compressed files — unpack ( Index Term Link )
  extract SCCS version information from a file — what ( Index Term Link )
  — find ( Index Term Link )
  mark differences between versions of a troff input file — diffmk ( Index Term Link )
  merge same lines of several files or subsequent lines of one file — paste ( Index Term Link )
  move — mv ( Index Term Link )
  print checksum and block count for a file — sum ( Index Term Link )
  print differences between two files side-by-side — sdiff ( Index Term Link )
  remove — rm ( Index Term Link )
  search a file for a pattern — grep ( Index Term Link )
  search file for fixed-character string — fgrep ( Index Term Link )
  search for a pattern using full regular expressions — egrep ( Index Term Link )
  sort or merge — sort ( Index Term Link )
  split a file into pieces — split ( Index Term Link )
  strip affixes from path names — basename ( Index Term Link )
  transfer to and from a remote machine — tftp ( Index Term Link )
  uncompress — uncompress ( Index Term Link )
 filesync — synchronize files and directories ( Index Term Link )
  Multiple Nomadic Machines ( Index Term Link )
  Rules File ( Index Term Link )
 filofaxp — frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter ( Index Term Link )
 find — find files ( Index Term Link )
 find or signal processes by name and other attributes
  — pgrep ( Index Term Link )
  — pkill ( Index Term Link )
 fmlcut — (FMLI utility) cut out columns from a table or fields from each line of a file ( Index Term Link )
 fmlexpr — (FMLI utility) evaluate arguments as an expression ( Index Term Link )
 fmlgrep — (FMLI utility) search afile for a pattern ( Index Term Link )
  cocheck — communicate with a process ( Index Term Link )
  cocreate — communicate with a process ( Index Term Link )
  codestroy — communicate with a process ( Index Term Link )
  coproc — communicate with a process ( Index Term Link )
  coreceive — communicate with a process ( Index Term Link )
  cosend — communicate with a process ( Index Term Link )
  echo — put string on virtual output ( Index Term Link )
  fmlcut — cut out columns from a table or fields from each line of a file ( Index Term Link )
  fmlexpr — evaluate arguments as an expression ( Index Term Link )
  fmlgrep — search afile for a pattern ( Index Term Link )
  fmli — invoke fmli ( Index Term Link )
  getfrm — returns the current frameID number ( Index Term Link )
  getitems — returns a list of currently marked menu items ( Index Term Link )
  indicator — displays application specific alarms or working indicator, or both, on FMLI banner line ( Index Term Link )
  message — puts arguments on FMLI message line ( Index Term Link )
  pathconv — converts an alias to its pathname ( Index Term Link )
  readfile, longline — reads file, gets longest line ( Index Term Link )
  regex — match patterns against a string ( Index Term Link )
  reinit — changes the descriptors in the initialization file ( Index Term Link )
  reset — (FLMI utility) changes the entry in a field of a form to its default value ( Index Term Link )
  run — runs a program ( Index Term Link )
  set, unset — set and unset local or global environment variables ( Index Term Link )
  setcolor — redefine or create a color ( Index Term Link )
  shell — run a command using shell ( Index Term Link )
  test — evaluates the expression expression ( Index Term Link )
  vsig — synchronize a co-process with the controlling FMLI application ( Index Term Link )
 fmt — simple text formatters ( Index Term Link )
 fnattr — update and examine attributes associated with FNS named object ( Index Term Link )
 fnlist — display names and references bound in FNS context ( Index Term Link )
 fnlookup — display reference bound to FNS name ( Index Term Link )
 fnrename — rename the binding of an FNS name ( Index Term Link )
  display names and references — fnlist ( Index Term Link )
  display reference bound to FNS name — fnlookup ( Index Term Link )
  search for FNS objects — fnsearch ( Index Term Link )
  update attributes — fnattr ( Index Term Link )
 fnsearch — search for FNS objects with specified attributes ( Index Term Link )
  Displaying Selected Attributes ( Index Term Link )
  Extended Operations ( Index Term Link )
  Filter Arguments ( Index Term Link )
  Grammar of Filter Expressions ( Index Term Link )
  Logical Operators ( Index Term Link )
  Relational Operators ( Index Term Link )
  Simple Filter Expressions ( Index Term Link )
  Wildcarded Strings ( Index Term Link )
 fnunbind — unbind the reference from an FNS name ( Index Term Link )
 fold — fold long lines ( Index Term Link )
 fonts, prepends host resident PostScript fonts to files — download ( Index Term Link )
 for — shell built-in functions to repeatedly execute action(s) for a selected number of times ( Index Term Link )
 foreach — shell built-in functions to repeatedly execute action(s) for a selected number of times ( Index Term Link )
 format floppy diskette or PCMCIA memory card — fdformat ( Index Term Link )
 formatters, text, — fmt ( Index Term Link )
 Forms and Menu Language Interpreter
  See FMLI
 Framed Access Command Environment
  See face
 frameID number (FMLI utility) — getfrm ( Index Term Link )
 franklinp — frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter ( Index Term Link )
 from — sender of mail messages ( Index Term Link )
 frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter — digestp ( Index Term Link )
 frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter — filep ( Index Term Link )
 frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter — filofaxp ( Index Term Link )
 frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter — franklinp ( Index Term Link )
 frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter — mailp ( Index Term Link )
 frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter — newsp ( Index Term Link )
 frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter — timemanp ( Index Term Link )
 frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter — timesysp ( Index Term Link )
 ftp — file transfer program ( Index Term Link )
 function — shell built-in command to define a function which is usable within this shell ( Index Term Link )
 function calls, trace application function calls to Solaris shared libraries — apptrace ( Index Term Link )