man pages section 1: User Commands
 true — convert archives to random libraries ( Index Term Link )
 rcp — remote file copy ( Index Term Link )
 rdist — remote file distribution ( Index Term Link )
 read — shell built-in function to receive from standard input (keyboard) ( Index Term Link )
 readfile, longline — (FMLI utility) reads file, gets longest line ( Index Term Link )
 readonly — shell built-in function to protect the value of the given variable from reassignment ( Index Term Link )
 reboot system without checking disks — fastboot ( Index Term Link )
 red — text editor ( Index Term Link )
 refer — expand and insert references from a bibliographic database ( Index Term Link )
 regcmp — regular expression compile ( Index Term Link )
 regenerate groups of programs — sysV-make ( Index Term Link )
 regenerate programs — make ( Index Term Link )
 regex — (FMLI utility) match patterns against a string ( Index Term Link )
 registration ( Index Term Link )
 rehash — shell built-in functions to evaluate the internal hash table of the contents of directories ( Index Term Link )
 reinit — (FMLI utility) changes the descriptors in the initialization file ( Index Term Link )
 relational database, — join ( Index Term Link )
 reminder services
  — calendar ( Index Term Link )
  mail notifier — biff ( Index Term Link )
 remote shell — rsh ( Index Term Link )
 remote system
  connect — tip ( Index Term Link )
  connect to — cu ( Index Term Link )
  execute a command on a remote system, but with the local environment — on ( Index Term Link )
  file copy — rcp ( Index Term Link )
  file distribution — rdist ( Index Term Link )
  remote login — rlogin ( Index Term Link )
  shell — rsh ( Index Term Link )
  show status — rup ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  spawn login — ct ( Index Term Link )
  system to system command execution — uux ( Index Term Link )
  transfer files to and from — tftp ( Index Term Link )
  who is logged in on remote machines — rusers ( Index Term Link )
 removable rewritable media format utility — rmformat ( Index Term Link )
 rename the binding of an FNS name — fnrename ( Index Term Link )
 renice — alter priority of running processes ( Index Term Link )
 repeat — shell built-in function to execute a command more than once ( Index Term Link )
 report on the calls to a specific procedure. — whocalls ( Index Term Link )
 report or filter out repeated lines in a file — uniq ( Index Term Link )
 reset — (FLMI utility) changes the entry in a field of a form to its default value ( Index Term Link )
 reset — reset terminal bits ( Index Term Link )
 reset terminal bits — reset ( Index Term Link )
 return — shell built-in functions to enable the execution of the shell to advance beyond its sequence of steps ( Index Term Link )
 reverse page order, PostScript file — postreverse ( Index Term Link )
 reverse the page order in a PostScript file — postreverse ( Index Term Link )
 rksh — KornShell, restricted command and programming language ( Index Term Link )
 rlogin — remote login ( Index Term Link )
 rm — remove files ( Index Term Link )
 rmdir — remove directories ( Index Term Link )
 rmformat — removable rewritable media format utility ( Index Term Link )
 roffbib — format and print bibliographic database ( Index Term Link )
 roles — print roles granted to a user ( Index Term Link )
  display host status of remote machines — rup ( Index Term Link )
  display status of network hosts — rup ( Index Term Link )
  protocol compiler — rpcgen ( Index Term Link )
 RPC, secure
  decrypt and store secret key with keyserv — keylogin ( Index Term Link )
  delete stored secret key with keyserv — keylogout ( Index Term Link )
 RPC Language, RPC protocol compiler — rpcgen ( Index Term Link )
 rpcgen — RPC protocol compiler ( Index Term Link )
 rsh — remote shell ( Index Term Link )
 run — (FMLI utility) runs a program ( Index Term Link )
 run a command immune to hangups — nohup ( Index Term Link )
 runtime linker for dynamic objects — ( Index Term Link )
 rup — display status of network hosts (RPC version) ( Index Term Link )
 rup — display status of network hosts ( Index Term Link )
 ruptime — display status of local hosts ( Index Term Link )
 rusage — resource usage for a command ( Index Term Link )
 rusers — who is logged in on remote machines ( Index Term Link )
 rwho — who is logged in on local machines ( Index Term Link )