man pages section 1: User Commands
 w — display information about currently logged-in users ( Index Term Link )
 w — who is logged in, and what are they doing ( Index Term Link )
 wait — shell built-in function to wait for other jobs or processes ( Index Term Link )
 wc — display a count of lines, words and characters in a file ( Index Term Link )
 what — extract SCCS version information from a file ( Index Term Link )
 whatis — describe command ( Index Term Link )
 whence — shell built-in functions to set/get attributes and values for shell variables and functions ( Index Term Link )
 whereis — locate the binary, source and manual page files for a command ( Index Term Link )
 which — locate a command; display its pathname or alias ( Index Term Link )
 while — shell built-in functions to repetitively execute a set of actions while/until conditions are evaluated TRUE ( Index Term Link )
 who is logged in — w ( Index Term Link )
 who — who is on the system ( Index Term Link )
 whoami — display effective user name ( Index Term Link )
 whocalls — report on the calls to a specific procedure. ( Index Term Link )
 whois — Internet user name directory service ( Index Term Link )
 write — write to another user ( Index Term Link )
 write file checksums and sizes — cksum ( Index Term Link )