man pages section 1: User Commands
 yacc — yet another compiler-compiler ( Index Term Link )
 yes/no answer
  prompts for yes/no answer — ckyorn ( Index Term Link )
  provides error message for yes/no answer — erryorn ( Index Term Link )
  provides help message for yes/no answer — helpyorn ( Index Term Link )
  validates yes/no answer — valyorn ( Index Term Link )
 yet another compiler-compiler — yacc ( Index Term Link )
 ypcat — print values in a NIS database ( Index Term Link )
 ypmatch — print the value of one or more keys from a NIS map ( Index Term Link )
 yppasswd — change your network password in the NIS database ( Index Term Link )
 ypwhich — return name of NIS server or map master ( Index Term Link )