man pages section 1: User Commands
  • F
    • face(1)– executable for the Framed Access Command Environment Interface
    • factor(1)– obtain the prime factors of a number
    • false(1)– provide truth values
    • fastboot(1B)– reboot/halt the system without checking the disks
    • fasthalt(1B)– reboot/halt the system without checking the disks
    • fc(1)– process command history list
    • fdformat(1)– format floppy diskette or PCMCIA memory card
    • fg(1)– control process execution
    • fgrep(1)– search a file for a fixed-character string
    • file(1)– determine file type
    • file(1B)– determine the type of a file by examining its contents
    • filep(1)– frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter
    • filesync(1)– synchronize ordinary, directory or special files
    • filofaxp(1)– frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter
    • find(1)– find files
    • finger(1)– display information about local and remote users
    • fmlcut(1F)– cut out selected fields of each line of a file
    • fmlexpr(1F)– evaluate arguments as an expression
    • fmlgrep(1F)– search a file for a pattern
    • fmli(1)– invoke FMLI
    • fmt(1)– simple text formatters
    • fmtmsg(1)– display a message on stderr or system console
    • fnattr(1)– update and examine attributes associated with an FNS named object
    • fnbind(1)– Bind a reference to an FNS name
    • fnlist(1)– display the names and references bound in an FNS context
    • fnlookup(1)– display the reference bound to an FNS name
    • fnrename(1)– rename the binding of an FNS name
    • fnsearch(1)– search for FNS objects with specified attributes
    • fnunbind(1)– unbind the reference from an FNS name
    • fold(1)– filter for folding lines
    • for(1)– shell built-in functions to repeatedly execute action(s) for a selected number of times
    • foreach(1)– shell built-in functions to repeatedly execute action(s) for a selected number of times
    • franklinp(1)– frontends to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Description Language) pretty print filter
    • from(1B)– display the sender and date of newly-arrived mail messages
    • ftp(1)– file transfer program
    • function(1)– shell built-in command to define a function which is usable within this shell