man pages section 1: User Commands
  • K
    • kbd(1)– manipulate the state of keyboard, or display the type of keyboard, or change the default keyboard abort sequence effect
    • kdestroy(1)– destroy Kerberos tickets
    • kerberos(1)– introduction to the Kerberos system
    • keylogin(1)– decrypt and store secret key with keyserv
    • keylogout(1)– delete stored secret key with keyserv
    • kill(1)– terminate or signal processes
    • kinit(1)– obtain and cache Kerberos ticket-granting ticket
    • klist(1)– list currently held Kerberos tickets
    • kpasswd(1)– change a user's Kerberos password
    • ksh(1)– KornShell, a standard/restricted command and programming language
    • ksrvtgt(1)– fetch and store Kerberos ticket-granting ticket using a service key
    • ktutil(1)– Kerberos keytab maintenance utility