Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Release Notes

CR# 6385185: Authentication module must be able to override the “goto” URL and specify a different URL

An authentication module can override the “goto” URL and request re-direction to a different URL of an external Web site to get the user status validated.

To override the “goto” URL after the authentication is complete, set the property shown in the following example in the SSOToken. You set this property using the onLoginSuccess method of the PostProcess class implementing the AMPostAuthProcessInterface. For example, OverridingURL is the URL that overrides the “goto”URL:

public class <..> implements AMPostAuthProcessInterface {  
    public void onLoginSuccess(...) {
        try {
            ssoToken.setProperty("PostProcessSuccessURL", OverridingURL);
         } catch (Exception ...) {
         ...         }