Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Administration Guide

am2bak Options

--verbose (-v)

--verbose is used to run the backup utility in verbose mode.

--backup backup-name (-k)

--backup backup-name defines the name of the backup file. The default is ambak.

--location (-l)

--location specifies the directory location of the backup. The default location is AccessManager-base/backup.

--config (-c)

--config specifies backup only for configuration files.

--debug (-b)

--debug specifies backup only for debug files.

--log (-g)

--log specifies backup only for log files.

--cert (-t)

--cert specifies backup only for certificate database files.

--ds (-d)

--ds specifies backup only for the Directory Server.

--all (-a)

--all specifies a complete backup of the entire Access Manager.

--help (-h)

--help is an argument that displays the syntax for the am2bak command.

--version (-n)

--version is an argument that displays the utility name, product name, product version and legal notice.