Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Reference

Multiple Session Installation with Sun Java System Web Server or IBM WebSphere Application Server

This section lists the information you must provide when you install Portal Server Secure Remote Access on a host where the following is true:

In this scenario, you must provide the following types of information:

The following table lists the information that you specify about the web container.

Table 1–39 Web Container Deployment Information for Portal Server Secure Remote Access Core

Label and State File Parameter 


Deployment URI 


Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that you use to deploy Portal Server. 

The value for the deployment URI must have a leading slash and must contain only one slash. 

The default value is /portal.

The following table lists the information that you specify about Access Manager.

Table 1–40 Access Manager Information for Portal Server Secure Remote Access Core

Label and State File Parameter 


Directory Manager DN 


DN of the user who has unrestricted access to Directory Server. 

The default value is cn=Directory Manager.

In a state file, this parameter has no default value, and needs a value only if USE_EXISTING_USER_DIR is set to 1.

Directory Manager Password 


Password for the directory manager. 

In a state file, this parameter has no default value, and needs a value only if USE_EXISTING_USER_DIR is set to 1.