Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Planning Guide

Calendar Server

Examine your deployment architecture for computer systems with instances of Calendar Server.

Calendar Server provides calendar services. Calendar Server's services can be accessed through Communications Express, or Portal Server.

Calendar Server has a solution-level dependency on a source of user and group data. The user and group data contains account names and passwords that are used to verify access to calendar services. The user and group data also identifies each user's calendar server and other information needed to provide calendar services. This information is typically in an LDAP directory managed by Directory Server. Therefore, it is logical to install and configureCalendar Server after Directory Server.

If your solution uses single sign-on, Calendar Server is a consumer of Access Manager services. In single sign-on solutions, Calendar Server must be installed and configured after both Directory Server and Access Manager are installed and configured.

If your solution uses both Calendar Server and Messaging Server, Calendar Server's user and group data should be stored in the same branch of the LDAP directory that Messaging Server uses for user and group data. This data is create by the Messaging Server configuration wizard. Therefore, Calendar Server has a dependency on Messaging Server. Calendar Server should be installed and configured after Messaging Server is installed and configured.

Basic Installation Procedures for Calendar Server

  1. Determine which redundancy strategy, if any, your solution is using for messaging services.

    • If your solution uses load-balancing.

    • If your solution uses clustered calendar services, the Sun Cluster software must be installed, configured, and verified before Calendar Server.

  2. Use the Java ES installer to install Calendar Server on all computers systems specified in your deployment architecture. The installer does not configure instances of Messaging Server.

  3. If necessary, run the Directory Preparation Tool on the computer that is running Directory Server. If your solution includesMessaging Server, the Directory Preparation Tool is run as part of Messaging Server configuration.

  4. Run the Calendar Server configuration wizard.

    1. When you configure Calendar Server you must specify the Directory Server instance where information about Calendar Server users is stored.

    2. When you configure Calendar Server you supply the name of the LDAP directory branch where user and group data is stored. This is normally the branch created by the Messaging Server configuration wizard.

  5. Start and verify all instances of Calendar Server.

  6. If your solution includes Sun Cluster software, install, configure, start, and verify the Sun Cluster Agent for Messaging Server.

  7. If your solution includes single sign-on, configure Calendar Server for single sign-on, restart Calendar Server, and verify functioning of single sign-on.

  8. If your solution uses load balancing for the Calendar Server instances, verify that the load balancer is working properly.

Choosing Configuration Values for Calendar Server

For each Calendar Server instance in your solution, you must input values that configure the instance to interoperate with the other components in the solution. For example, if your solution uses Access Manager single sign-on, the Calendar Server instances must be configured to interoperate with Access Manager. Use Table 3–10 to help you choose configuration values.

Table 3–10 Key Configuration Values for Calendar Server Instances

Input Field 

Choosing a Value for Your Solution 

LDAP Server Host Name, LDAP Server Port 

Use these fields to specify the Directory Server instance your solution uses for user and group data. 

Directory Manager Name, Directory Manager Password 

Use these field to supply the directory manager and account and password for the user and group directory. The Calendar Server uses this information to connect to the Directory Server instance at configuration time. 

Base DN 

Specify the LDAP directory tree branch where the Calendar Server instance looks up user data.  

If your solution uses single user entry and single sign-on, this must be the directory tree branch created by Messaging Server configuration. For more information, see Table 3–9.

Administrator User ID and Administrator Password 

Use these field to define the main administrator account for the Calendar Server instance. This account will be added to the directory in the location specified by the Base DN field. 

Administrator Email Address 

Create an email address for the primary administrator account. 

SMTP Host 

Specify the mail host used to send mail alarms. Specify the computer that is running the Messaging Server instance for your solution. If you solution uses a load-balanced or clustered messaging service, specify the logical address for the service. 

Service Port 

Assign the port on which the Calendar Server instance listens for connections. The port number should be specified in the network connectivity specification. For more information, see Developing a Network Connectivity Specification.

Maximum Sessions, Maximum Threads, Number of Server Processes 

Use these fields to specify the runtime characteristics of the Calendar Server instance. 

Runtime User ID, Runtime Group ID 

Use these fields to specify the user ID and group under which the Calendar Server runs. 

Adding Procedures for Calendar Server to Your Installation Plan

To add installation and configuration instructions for Calendar Server, do the following:

  1. If theCalendar Server instances are load balanced, the first instruction in your installation plan is confirming that the load balancer is functioning before anyJava ES software is installed.

  2. If your solution uses Sun Cluster software, Calendar Server has a local dependency on Sun Cluster software. Do the following:

    1. Each computer that runs an instance of Calendar Server must be configured as a Sun Cluster node. The Sun Cluster software must be installed, configured, and verified before Calendar Server is installed.

    2. In your plan, list all of the computers that run clustered Calendar Server instances.

    3. For each computer, add the instructions for installing Sun Cluster software. For the Sun Cluster software installation instructions, see Sun Cluster Software. For an example installation plan that shows how to run the installer multiple times on a computer to set up clustered components, see Table 3–4.

  3. Next, in your plan, list all of the computers with Calendar Server instances.

    Tip –

    If your solution uses clustered Calendar Server instances, this is the second time the installer runs on the computers designated for Calendar Server.

    1. In your plan, for each computer, add an instruction to run the Java ES installer and select Calendar Server.

    2. If the computers that run Calendar Serverare already listed in your plan (for example, if Directory Server is installed on the same computer) add an instruction to select Calendar Server. You can install Calendar Server at the same time as Directory Server, even if you use the configure now option, but your plan must put the instructions for configuring, starting, and verifying the Directory Server instances before the instructions for configuring or starting any instance Calendar Server.

  4. Underneath each Calendar Server instance, list the key values for configuring the instance. Use to help you select configuration values.

  5. Directory Preparation Tool-need table of configuration values.

  6. For each computer, add an instruction to start and verify the Calendar Server instance.

  7. If the Calendar Serverinstances are load balanced, add an instruction to verify operation of the load balancer.

  8. If the Calendar Server instances are clustered, add an instruction to complete the cluster configuration by installing the Sun ClusterAgents for Calendar Server and verifying their operation. You can find the instructions for the Sun Cluster Agent in Sun Cluster Software.