Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Planning Guide

Choosing Configuration Values for Access Manager

For each Access Manager instance in your solution, you must specify configuration values that configure the instance to interoperate with the other components in the solution.

Table 3–8 Key Configuration Values for Access Manager Instances

Input Field 

Choosing a Value for Your Solution 

Administrator User ID and Administrator Password 

You establish the password for the fully privileged administrator account. This account logs in to the Access Manager console. This account has complete access to all directory entries managed by Access Manager. 

LDAP User ID and LDAP Password 

You establish the password for a less privileged administrator account. This account logs in to the Access Manager console. This account has read and search privileges. 

Install Type 

You indicate whether the Access Manager instance should operate in realm mode or legacy mode. Legacy mode is required if the instance is interoperating with Portal Server, Messaging Server, Calendar Server, Instant Messaging, or Delegated Administrator. 

Web Container 

You specify the web container in which the Access Manager instance runs. Depending on your selection, the installer prompts you for the necessary information. 

Host Name, Web Server Port, Web Server Instance Directory, Document Root Directory, Secure Server Instance Port 

If you are installing Access Manager and Web Server together, use these fields to specify how Web Server is installed. 

If you are installingAccess Manager on a computer where Web Server is already installed, use these fields to specify an existing Web Server instance. 

Installation Directory, Access Manager Runtime Instance, Instance Directory, Access Manager Instance Port, Document Root, Administrator User Id, Administrator Port, Secure Server Instance Port, Secure Administration Server Port,  

If you are installing Access Manager and Application Server together, use these fields to specify how the Application Server is installed. 

If you are installingAccess Manager on a computer where Application Server is already installed, use these fields to specify an existing Application Server instance. 

Host Name, Services Deployment URI, Common Domain Deployment URI, Cookie Domain, Administration Console (Deploy New Console, Use Existing Console), Console Deploy URI, Password Deployment URI, Console Host Name, Console Port 

Use these fields to specify how Access Manager Identity Management and Policy Services Core (core) and Administration Server Console (console) services are deployed to  

Web Server. 

Directory Server Host, Directory Server Port, Access Manager Directory Root Suffix, Directory Manager DN, Directory Manager Password. 

Use these fields to provide access to the  

Directory Serverinstance that your solution uses for user and group data. If you are using something other than Directory Server as your repository for user and group data, this URL must be? 

  • Directory Server Host and Directory Server Port were assigned when Directory Server was installed and configured. If Directory Server is configured with multi-master replication, and/or load balancing, use the logical address for the replicated/load-balanced service, rather than the name of one of the computers.

  • Access Manager Directory Root Suffix is the directory entry that Access Manager uses as the directory root. The default value is the actual directory root, also established when the Directory Server instance was installed.

  • The Directory Manager DN and password were also established when the Directory Server instance was installed.

If your solution uses some other source of user and group data, this URL must be? 

No, Yes, Organization Marker Object Class, Organization Naming Attribute, User Marker Object Class, User Naming Attribute 

Use these fields to configure Access Manager to work with a directory already provisioned with user data.