Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Planning Guide

Portal Server

Examine your deployment architecture for computer systems with instances of Portal Server.

Portal Server provides portal services that are accessed through the portal desktop.

Portal Server has a local dependency on a web container. Web Server, Application Server, and several third-party web containers can be used. Portal Server also has a local dependency on Access Manager or the Access Manager SDK. Typically, in a distributed solution, the deployment architecture will specify a local copy of the Access Manager SDK, which supports interaction with remote instances of Access Manager.

Note –

If your deployment architecture places Portal Server and Access Manager on separate computers, some considerations apply. For more information, see Portal Server Using a Remote Access Manager Example in Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Guide for UNIX.

Basic Installation Procedures for Portal Server

The basic steps for installing and configuring Communications Express are the following:

  1. Use the Java ES installer to install Portal Server on all computers systems specified in your deployment architecture.

    1. When you install Portal Server you must specify the web container in which Portal Server runs.

    2. When you install Portal Server you must specify the repository for user and group data (typically a Directory Server instance, specified with a URL).

    3. When you install Portal Server you must also install either a copy of the Access Manager SDK, or a local copy of Access Manager.

  2. Start and verify all instances of Portal Server.

  3. If your solution uses single sign-on, configure Portal Server for single sign-on.

  4. If your solution displays messaging and calendar data on the portal desktop, configure the portal channels to interoperate with specific Messaging Server and Calendar Server instances.

  5. If your solution uses load balancing for the Portal Server instances, verify that the load balancer is working properly.

Choosing Configuration Values for Portal Server

For each Portal Server instance in your solution, you must input values that configure the instance to interoperate with the other components in the solution. In particular, Portal Server is configured to interoperate with Directory Server for user data lookup. In most solutions, Portal Server is configured to interoperate with Access Manager for single-sign on authentication and authorization services, and with Messaging Server and Calendar Server as sources of messaging and calendar data that is displayed on the portal desktop. Use Table 3–12 to help you choose configuration values.

Table 3–12 Key Configuration Values for Portal Server Instances

Input Field 

Choosing a Value for Your Solution 

Web Container 

Select the web container that your solution uses for Portal Server. 

Tip –

If your solution uses one of the third-party web containers, it must be installed, configured, and running before the Java ES installer runs.

Installation Directory, Server Instance, Server Instance Port, and Server Secure Instance Port 

If you are installing Portal Server and Web Server together, use these fields to specify how Web Server is installed. 

If you are installingPortal Server on a computer where Web Server is already installed, use these fields to specify an existing Web Server instance. 

Installation Directory, Domain Name, Server Instance Directory, Server Instance Port, Document Root Directory, Administration Port, Administrator User ID, Administrator Password, Secure Server Instance Port, Secure Administration Server Port 

If you are installing Portal Server and Application Server together, use these fields to specify how Application Server is installed. 

If you are installingPortal Server on a computer where Application Server is already installed, use these fields to specify an existing Application Server instance. 

Home Directory, Product Installation Directory, User's Project Directory, Product JDK Directory, Server/Cluster Domain, Server/Cluster Instance, Server/Cluster Port, Server/Cluster Protocol, Document Root Directory, Administrator User ID, Administrator Password, Managed Server 

Use these fields to specify a BEA WebLogic instance that is installed and running on the computer. 

Installation Directory, Virtual Host, Cell, Node, Server Instance, Server Instance Port, Document Root Directory, Java Home Directory, Secure Server Instance,  

Use these fields to specify an IBM WebSphere instance that is installed and running on the computer. 

Load Balancer Controlling Multiple Portal Servers, Load Balancer Protocol, Load Balancer Host, Load Balancer Port 

If your solution uses load-balanced portal services, use these fields to configure the Portal Server instance for interoperation with the load balancer. 

Deployment URI 

Specify the URI path used to access portal services. 

Install Sample Portal 

Specify whether you want the installer to install the sample portal desktop. The sample desktop is useful in verifying Portal Server. 

Adding Procedures for Portal Server to Your Installation Plan

To add installation and configuration instructions for Portal Server, do the following:

  1. If thePortal Server instances are load balanced, the add an instruction to your installation plan to verify that the load balancer is functioning before anyJava ES software is installed.

  2. Next, in your plan, list all of the computers with Portal Server instances.

    1. Portal Server has a local dependency on a web container. Each computer that runs an instance of Portal Server must also run an instance of the specified web container. Your deployment architecture indicates which web container your solution is using.

    2. For each computer, add an instruction to run the Java ES installer and select Portal Server. If you are using Web Server or Application Server as your web container, add an instruction to select the web container, too. The installer is capable of automatically deploying Portal Server to the selected web container. Add an instruction to select either Access Manager SDK or Access Manager.

    3. If the computers that run Portal Serverare already listed in your plan (if the plan already has instructions for installing another component on the same computer) simply add an instruction to select Portal Server. You can install Portal Server at the same time as the other components, and deploy it to the same web container, but your plan must put the instructions for configuring, starting, and verifying any Directory Server, Access Manager, Messaging Server, or Calendar Server instances ahead of the instructions for configuring or starting the Portal Server instances.

  3. Underneath each Portal Server instance, list the key values for configuring the instance. Use Table 3–12 to help you select configuration values.

  4. Underneath each Web Server or Application Server instances, list the key values for configuring the instance. For information on selecting configuration values for these components, see Web Server or Application Server. If your plan already installs Web Server or Application Server on the computer, you do not need to repeat this step. You can specify the same web container instance and deploy Portal Server to the same web container instance.

  5. If your solution uses one of the third-party web containers that supports Portal Server, your Portal Server instances are deployed with the web container's deployment tool. Add instructions to your plan to deploy each Portal Server instance.

  6. For each computer, add an instruction to start and verify the Portal Server instance. If the instances are load balanced, add an instruction to verify operation of the load balancer.