Deployment Example 1: Access Manager 7.0 Load Balancing, Distributed Authentication UI, and Session Failover

8.7 Installing Application Server 2 and J2EE Policy Agent 2

Use the following as your checklist for installing Application Server 2 and the J2EE Policy Agent 2:

  1. Install Application Server 2 on Protected Resource 2.

  2. Create an agent profile on Access Manager.

  3. Run the J2EE Policy Agent installer on Application Server 2.

ProcedureTo Install Application Server 2 on Protected Resource 2

  1. Download the BEA WebLogic Server installer onto Protected Resource 2.

    Follow the instructions provided by BEA for obtaining and using the software.

  2. Extract the installer files:

    # /download_directory/export/weblogic/server910_solaris32.bin

    You may quit the installer at any time by typing "Exit."
    Enter [Exit][Next]

    Enter Next.

    Select Option:
    1. Yes, I agree with the terms of 
    the license.
    2. No, I do not agree with the terms 
    of the license.

    Enter 1.

    Choose BEA Home Directory [/usr/local/bea]:

    Press Enter to accept the default value and continue. 

    Choose Install Type [Complete]:

    Enter 2 to choose custom install.

    			WebLogic Server [1]
    					Server [1.1]
    					Server Examples [1.2]
    					Web Server Plug-ins [1.3]
    Choose Componenets to install:

    Enter Next.

    Choose Product Directory 

    Press Enter to accept the default value and continue. 

    Choose Product Directory [Yes, use this product

    Press Enter to confirm the default value and continue. 

    Installation Complete
    Press [Enter} to continue...

    Press Enter. 

  3. Create a new domain.

    1. Start the BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard.

      # cd /usr/local/bea/weblogic91/common/bin
      # ./
    2. Provide the following information:

      ->1| Create a new WebLogic domain.
          2| Extend an existing WebLogic domain.

      Press Enter to accept the default value 1.

      Select Domain Source:
      ->1| Choose WebLogic Platform components
          2| Choose custom template

      Press Enter to accept the default value 1.

      Application Template Selection:
      Avaliable Templates
      			WebLogic Server (Required)x
      			Appache Behive [2]

      Press Enter to accept the default value and continue. 

      Configure Administrator Username and Password:
      Select Option:
      1- Modify "user name"
      2- Modify "user password"
      3- Modify "Confirm user password"
      4- Modify "Description'
      5- Discard changes	

      Enter 2 to modify the user password.

      Input User password : 

      Enter w3bl0g1c.

      Configure Adminstrator Username and Password:
      1- *User name:  weblogic
      2- *User password:  ********
      3- *Confirm user password:  ******
      4- Description:  This user is the 
      default administrator
      Select Option:
      1- Modify "user name"
      2- Modify "user password"
      3- Modify "Confirm user password"
      4- Modify "Description'
      5- Discard changes	

      Enter 3 to confirm user password.

      Confirm user password:

      Enter w3bl0g1c.

      Configure Adminstrator Username and Password:
      1- *User name:  weblogic
      2- *User password:  ********
      3- *Confirm user password:  ********
      4- Description:  This user is the 
      default administrator
      Select Option:
      1- Modify "user name"
      2- Modify "user password"
      3- Modify "Confirm user password"
      4- Modify "Description'
      5- Discard changes	

      Press Enter to accept the values and continue. 

      Domain Mode Configuration:
      ->1| Development Mode

      Enter 2 to select Production Mode.

      Java SDK Selection:
      ->1| Sun SDK 1.5.0_04 @ /usr/local/bea/jdk150_04
        2| Other Java SDK

      Press Enter to accept the default value and continue. 

      Choose Configuration Option:
      ->2| No

      Enter 1 .

      Configure the Adminstration Server:
      Select Option:
      1- *Name:  AdminServer
      2- Listen address:  All Local Addresses
      3- Listen port:  7001
      4- SSL listen port:  N/A
      5- SSl enabled:  false
      Select Option:
      1- Modify "Name"
      2- Modify "Listen address"
      3- Modify "Listen port"
      4- Modify "SSL enabled"

      Press Enter to Continue.  

      Configure Managed Servers:
      Add or delete configuration information 
      for Managed Servers...
      Enter name for a new...

      Enter ApplicationServer-2.

      Configure Managed Servers:
      Add or delete configuration information 
      for Managed Servers...
      Name:	  ApplicationServer-2
      Listen address:  All Local Addresses
      Listen port:  7001
      SSL listen port:  N/A
      SSL enabled:  false
      Select Option:
      1- Modify "Name"
      2- Modify "Listen address"
      3- Modify "Listen port"
      4- Modify "SSL enabled"
      5- Done

      Enter 3 to modify the Listen port.

      Modify “Listen port.”

      Enter 1081.

      Configure Managed Servers:
      Add or delete configuration information 
      for Managed Servers...
      Name:  ApplicationServer-2
      Listen address:	  All Local Addresses
      Listen port:  1081
      SSL listen port:  N/A
      SSL enabled:  false
      Select Option:
      1- Modify "Name"
      2- Modify "Listen address"
      3- Modify "Listen port"
      4- Modify "SSL enabled"
      5- Done

      Press Enter to continue. 

      Configure Clusters:
      Enter name for a new Cluster

      Press Enter to continue. 

      Configure Machines:
      Enter name for a new Machine

      Press Enter to continue. 

      Configure Unix Machines:
      Enter name for a new Unix Machine

      Enter ProtectedResource-2.

      Configure Unix Machines:
      Add or delete configuration information for machines:
      1- Name:  ProtectedResource-2
      2- Post bind GID enabled:	  false
      3- Post bind GID:  nobody
      4- Post bind UID enabled:  false
      5- Post bind UID:  nobody
      6- Node manager listen address:  localhost
      7- Node manager listen port:  5556

      Press Enter to accept these values. 

      Enter name for a new Unix Machine.

      Enter ProtectedResource-2.

      Configure Unix Machines:
      1- Name:	  ProtectedResource-2
      2- Post bind GID enbled:  false
      2- Post bind GID:  nobody
      4- Post bind UID enabled:	  false
      5- Post bind UID:  nobody
      6- Node manager listen address:  localhost
      7- Node manager listen port:	  5556

      Press Enter to accept these values. 

      Configure Unix machines:
      Name:  ProtectedResource-2
      Select Option:
      1- Add Unix machine
      2- Modify Unix machine
      3- Delete unix machine
      4- Discar Changes

      Enter 1 to add a Unix machine.

      Assign Servers to Machines:			
      		Unix Machine
      			ProtectedResource-1 [1.1]
      			ProtectedResource-2	[1.2]

      Press Enter to continue. 

      Select the target domain directory for this domain:

      Press Enter to continue. 

      Edit Domain Information:
      Enter value for "Name."		

      Enter ProtectedResource-2.

      Edit Domain Information:
      1- Name:  ProtectedResource-2
      Select Option:
      1- Modify "Name"
      2- Discard Changes

      Press Enter to continue. 

      Installation Complete
      Press [Enter] to continue...

      Press Enter. 

  4. Create two files necessary to automate Application Server 2 startup.

    Create one file in the directory for the Application Server 2 administration server, and create one file in the Application Server 2 instance directory. The administrative user and password are stored in each file. Application Server 2 uses this information during server start-up. Without these files, Application Server 2 will fail to start. Application Server 2 encrypts the file, so there is no security risk even though you enter the user name and password in clear text.

    # cd /usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/
    # cat >
    # cd /usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/
    # mkdir security
    # cd security/
    # cat >
  5. Start the servers.

    # cd /usr/local/bea/user_projects/
    # ./ &
    # netstat -an | grep 7001
    xxx.xx.72.151.7001		*.*			0			0 49152			0 LISTEN 				*.*			0			0 49152			0 LISTEN
    # cd /usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/ProtectedResource-2/bin/
    # ./ ApplicationServer-2 &
    # ./ ApplicationServer-2 
    # cd /usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/
    # netstat -an | grep 7001
    xxx.xx.72.151.1081		*.*			0			0 49152			0 LISTEN				*.* 		0			0 49152			0 LISTEN
    xxx.xx.72.151.33425  xxx.xx.72.151.1081   49152		0 49152   0 ESTABLISHED
    xxx.xx.72.151.1081   xxx.xx.72.151.33425  49152		0 49152   0 ESTABLISHED
  6. Verify that Application Server 2 is up and running.

    1. Go to the following URL:

    2. Log in to Application Server 2 using the following information:

      User Name:




      Verify that you can successfully log into the console.

    3. Under Domain Structure > ProtectedResource-2, expand the Environment object.

    4. Click Servers.

      On the Summary of Servers page, verify that both AdminServer(admin) and ApplicationServer-2 are running and OK.

ProcedureTo Create an Agent Profile on Access Manager

This new account will be used by J2EE Policy Agent 2 to authenticate to the Access Manager server.

  1. Go to Access Manage load balancer URL:

  2. Log in to the Access Manager console using the following information:





  3. On the Access Control tab, under Realms, click the realm name

  4. Click the Subjects tab.

  5. Click the Agents tab.

  6. On the Agent page, click New.

  7. On the New Agent page, provide the following information:





    Password Confirm:


    Device State:

    Choose Active.

  8. Click Create.

    The new agent j2eeagent–2 is now display in the list of Agent Users.

  9. Log out of the Access Manager console.

  10. Create a text file, and add the Agent Profile password to the file.

    The J2EE Policy Agent installer requires this file for installation.

    # cd /opt/j2ee_agents/amwl9_agent
    # cat > agent_pwd

ProcedureTo Run the J2EE Policy Agent Installer on Application Server 2

Before You Begin

Application Server 2 must not be running when you install J2EE Policy Agent 2.

You must stop both the Application Server 2 instance and the administration server before installing J2EE Policy Agent 2.

# cd /usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/ProtectedResource-2/bin/
# ./ ApplicationServer-2  t3://localhost:7001 
# cd /usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/ProtectedResource-2/bin
# ./
  1. Unpack the J2EE Policy Agent bits.

    cd /opt
    # /usr/sfw/bin/gtar -xvf /export/software/SJS_Weblogic_9_agent_2.2.tar
    # gunzip ../SJS_Weblogic_9_agent_2.2.tar.gz
    # /usr/sfw/bin/gtar -xvf ../SJS_Weblogic_9_agent_2.2.tar
  2. Start the J2EE Policy Agent installer.

    # cd /opt/j2ee_agents/am_wl9_agent/bin
    # ./agentadmin --install
  3. When prompted, provide the following information:

    Please read the following License Agreement carefully:

    Press Enter to continue. Continue to press Enter until you reach the end of the License Agreement. 

    Enter startup script location.



    Enter the WebLogic Server instance name: [myserver]

    Enter ApplicationServer-2.

    Access Manager Services Host:


    Access Manager Services port: [80]

    Enter 90.

    Access Manager Services Protocol: [http]

    Enter http.

    Access Manager Services Deployment URI: [/amserver]

    Accept the default value. 

    Enter the Agent Host name:

    Enter the WebLogic home directory: 

    Enter /usr/loca/bea/weblogic91.

    Enter the port number for 
    Application Server instance [80]:

    Enter 1081.

    Enter the Preferred Protocol for 
    Application instance [http]:

    Accept the default value. 

    Enter the Deployment URI for 
    the Agent Application [/agentapp]

    Accept the default value. 

    Enter the Encryption Key 

    Accept the default value. 

    Enter the Agent Profile name:

    Enter j2eeagent-1.

    Enter the path to the password file:



    Are the Agent and Access Manager 
    installed on the same instance of 
    Application Server? [false]:

    Accept the default value. 

    Verify your settings and decide from the choices below:
    1. Continue with Installation
    2. Back to the last interaction
    3. Start Over
    4. Exit
    Please make your selection [1]:

    Accept the default value. 

  4. Check the installation log to make sure there are no problems reported.