Deployment Example 2: Federation Using SAML v2

5.2 Migrating Federation Manager 1 User Data from Flat Files to Directory Servers

Use the following as your checklist for migrating Federation Manager 1 user data from flat files to Directory Servers:

  1. Load SAMLv2 users schema into the Directory Servers.

  2. Update the Federation Manager 1 file.

  3. Update the Federation Manager 1 serverconfig.xml file.

ProcedureTo Load SAMLv2 Users Schema into the Directory Servers

The Federation Manager LDIF files are located in the following directory:


The file ./saml2_sds_schema.ldif is for use with Sun Directory Server. The file saml2_ad_schema.ldif is for use with Microsoft Active Directory.

  1. Load the Federation Manager schema into the Directory Servers.

    # cd /opt/SUNWam/saml2/ldif
    # ldapmodify -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w 11111111 -h 
    -p 1389 -f saml2_sds_schema.ldif

    The ldapmodify utility loads the object classes and user attributes required for Federation Manager users into the Directory Server schema.

  2. On each of the Directory Server hosts, you can watch the error logs for LDIF errors.

    # cd /var/opt/mps/serverroot/slapd-fm-users/logs
    # tail -f errors
  3. Create the amadmin suffix in the Directory Server.

    1. Create a file named amadminusers.ldif with the following entries:

      dn: ou=People,
          changetype: add
          objectClass: top
          objectClass: organizationalunit
          dn: uid=amAdmin,ou=People,
          changetype: add
          objectclass: inetuser
          objectclass: inetorgperson
          objectclass: organizationalperson
          objectclass: person
          objectclass: top
          objectClass: iPlanetPreferences
          objectclass: inetAdmin
          inetuserstatus: Active
          cn: amAdmin
          sn: amAdmin
          userPassword: 11111111
          aci: (target="ldap:///*ou=People,")
               (targetattr = "*") (version 3.0; 
                acl "S1IS Top-level Admin Role access allow"; 
                allow (all) userdn = "ldap:///uid=amAdmin,ou=People,

      This LDIF creates a People container and the suffix

    2. Use the ldapmodify utility to load amadminusers.ldif into the Directory Servers.

      # ldapmodify -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w 11111111 
      -h -p 1389 -f amadminusers.ldif

ProcedureTo Update the Federation Manager 1 File

  1. In the Federation Manager 1 host, go to the directory that contains the file

    # cd /var/opt/SUNWam/fm/war_staging/web-src/WEB-INF/classes/
  2. Set the default datastore provider property:


    Save the file.

ProcedureTo Update the Federation Manager 1 serverconfig.xml File

  1. Go to the directory that contains the file serverconfig.xml:

    # cd /var/opt/SUNWam/fm/war_staging/web-src/WEB-INF/config
  2. Make a backup of serverconfig.xml, and then modify the following entry.

    Modify the host name, port, and user DNs as in the following example:

    <ServerGroup name="userdefault" minConnPool="1" 
                    <Server name="Server1" host="" 
                    port="1389" type="SIMPLE" />
                    <User name="User1" type="proxy">
                    <User name="User2" type="admin">

    Save the file.

  3. Regenerate the redeploy the Federation Manager 1 WAR file.

    See To Regenerate and Redeploy the Federation Manager 1 WAR File in this manual.