Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Technical Overview

An Access Management Paradigm

Think of all the different types of information a company must store and make available throughout its enterprise. Now consider the various users who must make use of that information in order for the company’s business to run smoothly. For example, the following are routine information transactions that occur every day in a typical company:

In each of these examples, the company must determine who is allowed to view its information or use its applications. Some information such as the company’s product descriptions and advertising can be made available to everyone, even the public at large, in the company’s online catalog. Other information such as accounting and human resources information must be restricted to employees only. And some internal information is appropriate to share with partners and suppliers, but not with customers.

The Problem

Many enterprises grant access to information on a per-application basis. For example, an employee might have to set up a user name and password to access the company’s health benefits administration web site. The same employee must use a different user name and password to access the Accounting Department online forms. Within the same enterprise, a customer sets up a user name and password to access the public branch of the company web site. For each web site or service, an administrator must convert the enterprise user’s input into a data format that the service can recognize. Each service added to the enterprise must be provisioned and maintained separately.

The Solution

Sun Java System Access Manager reduces the administrative costs and eliminates the redundant user information associated with per-application solutions. Access Manager enables an administrator to assign specific rules or policies that govern the information or services each user can access. Policy agents are deployed on application or web servers to process HTTP requests and to enforce these policies. Together, these access policies and the associated user’s information comprise the user’s enterprise identity. Thus, Access Manager makes it possible for a user to access many resources in the enterprise with just one identity.