Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Administration Guide

Logging Features

The Logging Service has a number of special features which can be enabled for additional functionality. They include To Enable Secure Logging, Command Line Logging and Remote Logging.

Secure Logging

This optional feature adds additional security to the logging function. Secure Logging enables detection of unauthorized changes to, or tampering of, the security logs. No special coding is required to leverage this feature. Secure Logging is accomplished by using a pre-registered certificate configured by the system administrator. This Manifest Analysis and Certification (MAC) is generated and stored for every log record. A special "signature" log record is periodically inserted that represents the signature for the contents of the log written to that point. The combination of the two records ensures that the logs have not been tampered with. There are to methods to enable secure logging; through a Java Security Server (JSS) provider and through a Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) provider.

ProcedureTo Enable Secure Logging through a JSS Provider

  1. Create a certificate with the name Logger and install it in the deployment container running Access Manager.

    For instructions for Application Server, see Working with Certificates and SSL in Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 Administration Guide in the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 Administration Guide.

    For instructions for Web Server, see Managing Certificates in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Administrator’s Guide in the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Administration Guide.

  2. Turn on Secure Logging in the Logging Service configuration using the Access Manager console and save the change. The administrator can also modify the default values for the other attributes in the Logging Service.

    If the logging directory is changed from the default (/var/opt/SUNWam/logs), make sure that the permissions are set to 0700. The logging service will create the directory, if it does not exist, but it will create the directory with permissions set to 0755.

    Additionally, if you specify a different directory from the default, you must change the following parameter to the new directory in the web container's server.policy file:

    permission “/var/opt/SUNWam/logs/*”,”delete,write”

  3. Create a file in the AccessManager-base/SUNWam/config directory that contains the certificate database password and name it .wtpass.

    Note –

    The file name and the path to it is configurable in the file. For more information see the "Certificate Database" in file reference chapter in the Access Manager Administration Reference.

    Ensure that the deployment container user is the only administrator with read permissions to this file for security reasons.

  4. Restart the server.

    The secure log directory should be cleared, as some misleading verification errors may be written to the /var/opt/SUNWam/debug/amLog file when the secure logging was started.

    To detect unauthorized changes or tampering of the security logs, look for error messages that are written by the verification process to /var/opt/SUNWam/debug/amLog. To manually check for tampering, run the VerifyArchive utility. See The VerifyArchive command line chapter in the Access Manager Administration Reference for more information.

ProcedureTo Enable Secure Logging Through a JCE Provider

  1. Create a certificate named Logger with Java keytool command and install it in JKS keystore. For example:


    For instructions for Application Server, see Working with Certificates and SSL in Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 Administration Guide in the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 Administration Guide.

    For instructions for Web Server, see Managing Certificates in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Administrator’s Guide in the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Administration Guide.

  2. Turn on Secure Logging in the Logging Service configuration using the Access Manager console and save the change. The administrator can also modify the default values for the other attributes in the Logging Service.

    If the logging directory is changed from the default (/var/opt/SUNWam/logs), make sure that the permissions are set to 0700. The logging service will create the directory, if it does not exist, but it will create the directory with permissions set to 0755.

    Additionally, if you specify a different directory from the default, you must change the following parameter to the new directory in the web container's server.policy file:

    permission “/var/opt/SUNWam/logs/*”,”delete,write”

  3. Create a file in the AccessManager-base/SUNWam/config directory that contains the JKS keystore password and name it .wtpass.

    Note –

    The file name and the path to it is configurable in the file. For more information see the "Certificate Database" in the file reference chapter in the Access Manager Administration Reference.

    Ensure that the deployment container user is the only administrator with read permissions to this file for security reasons.

  4. Edit the following entries in the amLogging.xml, located in the AccessManager-base/config/xml directory:

                    <AttributeSchema name="iplanet-am-logging-secure-log-helper"
                    <AttributeSchema name="iplanet-am-logging-secure-certificate-store"
  5. Delete the existing service schema, iPlanetAMLoggingService. For example:

    ./amadmin -u amadmin -w netscape -r iPlanetAMLoggingService

  6. Load the edited amLoging.xml to Access Manager using the amadmin command line tool. For example:

    ./amadmin -u amadmin -w netscape -s /etc/opt/SUNWam/config/xml/amLogging.xml

  7. Restart the server.

    To detect unauthorized changes or tampering of the security logs, look for error messages that are written by the verification process to /var/opt/SUNWam/debug/amLog. To manually check for tampering, run the VerifyArchive utility. See The VerifyArchive command line chapter in the Access Manager Administration Reference for more information.

Command Line Logging

The amadmin command line tool has the ability to create, modify and delete identity objects (organizations, users, and roles, for example) in Directory Server. This tool can also load, create, and register service templates. The Logging Service can record these actions by invoking the -t option. If the property in is enabled (ACTIVE) then a log record will be created. (This property is enabled by default.) The command line logs are prefixed with amAdmin. See “The amadmin Command Line Tool” in the Access Manager Administration Reference for more information.

Logging Properties

There are properties in the file that affect logging output:

This property will enable or disable logging. The default is ACTIVE.

iplanet-am-logging.service.level= level

service is the service's normal log file name. For example, to specify a logging level for amSAML.access, use the property iplanet-am-logging.amSAML.access.level.level is one of the java.util.logging.Level values and denotes the level of detail recorded in the log file. The levels are OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, and ALL. Most services do not record log levels with higher detail than INFO.

Remote Logging

Access Manager supports remote logging. This allows a client application using a host where the Access Manager server is installed to create log records on an instance of Access Manager deployed on a remote machine. Remote logging can be initiated in any of the following scenarios:

  1. When the logging URL in the Naming Service of one Access Manager instance points to a remote instance and there is a trust relationship configured between the two, logs will be written to the remote Access Manager instance.

  2. When the Access Manager SDK is installed against a remote Access Manager instance and a client (or a simple Java class) running on the SDK server uses the logging APIs, the logs will be written to the remote Access Manager machine.

  3. When logging APIs are used by Access Manager agents.

ProcedureTo Enable Remote Logging with Web Containers

  1. Log into the either the Application Server or Web Server's administration console and add the following JVM options:

    • java.util.logging.manager=com.sun.identity.log.LogManager

    • java.util.logging.config.file=/AccessManager-base /SUNwam/lib/

      For more information on the Application Server administration console, see Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 Administration Guide.

      For more information on the Web Server administration console, see Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Administrator’s Guide.

    • If the Java™ 2 Platform, Standard Edition being used is 1.4 or later, this is accomplished by invoking the following at the command line:

      java -cp /AccessManager-base /SUNWam/lib/am_logging.jar:/AccessManager-base /SUNWam/lib/xercesImpl.jar:/AccessManager-base /SUNWam/lib/xmlParserAPIs.jar:/AccessManager-base /SUNWam/lib/jaas.jar:/AccessManager-base /SUNWam/lib/xmlParserAPIs.jar:/AccessManager-base /SUNWam/lib/servlet.jar:/AccessManager-base /SUNWam/locale:/AccessManager-base/SUNWam/lib/am_services.jar:/ AccessManager-base/SUNWam/lib/am_sdk.jar:/ AccessManager-base/SUNWam/lib/jss311.jar:/ AccessManager-base/SUNWam/lib:.


      -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/AccessManager-base /SUNwam/lib/

    • If the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition being used is earlier than 1.4, this is accomplished by invoking the following at the command line:

      java -Xbootclasspath/a:/AccessManager-base /SUNWam/lib/jdk_logging.jar -cp /AccessManager-base /SUNWam/lib/am_logging.jar:/AccessManager-base /SUNWam/lib/xercesImpl.jar:/AccessManager-base /SUNWam/lib/xmlParserAPIs.jar:/AccessManager-base /SUNWam/lib/jaas.jar:/AccessManager-base /SUNWam/lib/xmlParserAPIs.jar:/AccessManager-base /SUNWam/lib/servlet.jar:/AccessManager-base /SUNWam/locale:/AccessManager-base/SUNWam/lib/am_services.jar:/ AccessManager-base/SUNWam/lib/am_sdk.jar:/ AccessManager-base/SUNWam/lib/jss311.jar:/ AccessManager-base/SUNWam/lib:.


      -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/AccessManager-base /SUNwam/lib/

  2. Ensure that the following parameters are configured in located in AccessManager-base/SUNWam/lib :

    • iplanet-am-logging-remote-handler=com.sun.identity.


    • iplanet-am-logging-remote-formatter=com.sun.


    • iplanet-am-logging-remote-buffer-size=1

      Remote logging supports buffering on the basis of the number of log records. This value defines the log buffer size by the number of records. Once the buffer is full, all buffered records will be flushed to the server.

    • iplanet-am-logging-buffer-time-in-seconds=3600

      This value defines the time-out period in which to invoke the log buffer-cleaner thread.

    • iplanet-am-logging-time-buffering-status=OFF

      This value defines whether log buffering (and the buffer-cleaner thread) is enabled. By default this feature is turned off.

      If timer-based buffering is enabled (iplanet-am-logging-time-buffering-status=ON), then the buffer of log records is flushed (to the AM server providing the logging service) when the number of log records reaches the value specified in iplanet-am-logging-remote-buffer-size, or when the timer expires (timeout specified in iplanet-am-logging-buffer-time-in-seconds). If the timer expires before the buffer size is reached, then the records contained in the buffer are sent. If timer-base buffering of remote logging is disabled, then the buffer size determines when the buffer gets flushed. For example, if the buffer size is 10, and the application only sends 7 records, the buffer will not get flushed, nor the log records written. If the application terminates, then the records in the buffer will get flushed.

    Note –

    Whenever a log file is empty, secure logging may show "verification failure." This is because when the number of created files is equal to the archive size, secure logging will archive from this set and start again. It most instances, you can ignore this error. Once the number of records is equal to the archive size, the error will not be displayed.

  3. If using a program with the Client SDK, the following properties in the file need to be set accordingly:







    Refer to the Client SDK samples README.clientsdk in the /opt/SUNWam/war directory. It details how the and the make files are generated for the /opt/SUNWam/war/clientsdk-samples directory. In turn, those files are used by the samples' makefiles' compile and run entries.