Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Administration Guide


Access Manager can be configured to work with a RADIUS server that is already installed. This is useful if there is a legacy RADIUS server being used for authentication in your enterprise. Enabling the RADIUS authentication module is a two-step process:

  1. Configure the RADIUS server.

    For detailed instructions, see the RADIUS server documentation.

  2. Register and enable the RADIUS authentication module.

Configuring RADIUS with Sun Java System Application Server

When the RADUIS client forms a socket connection to its server, by default, only the connect permission of the SocketPermissions is allowed in the Application Server’s server.policy file. In order for RADUIS authentication to work correctly, permissions need to be granted for the following actions:

To grant a permission for a socket connection, you must add an entry into Application Server’s server.policy file. A SocketPermission consists of a host specification and a set of actions specifying ways to connect to that host. The host is specified as the following:

host = hostname | IPaddress:portrange:portrange = portnumber 
| -portnumberportnumber-portnumber

The host is expressed as a DNS name, as a numerical IP address, or as local host (for the local machine). The wildcard “*” may be included once in a DNS name host specification. If it is included, it must be in the left-most position, as in *

The port (or port range) is optional. A port specification of the form N-, where N is a port number, signifies all ports numbered N and above. A specification of the form -N indicates all ports numbered N and below.

The listen action is only meaningful when used with a local host. The resolve (resolve host/IP name service lookups) action is implied when any of the other actions are present.

For example, when creating SocketPermissions, note that if the following permission is granted to some code, it allows that code to connect to port 1645 on, and to accept connections on that port:

permission, "connect,accept";

Similarly, if the following permission is granted to some code, it allows that code to accept connections on, connect to, or listen to any port between 1024 and 65535 on the local host:

permission "", "connect,accept";
permission "localhost:1024-", "accept,connect,listen";

Note –

Granting code permission to accept or make connections to remote hosts may cause problems, because malevolent code can then more easily transfer and share confidential data among parties who may not otherwise have access to the data. Make sure to give only appropriate permissions by specifying exact port number instead of allowing a range of port numbers