Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Administration Guide


Access Manager can be configured to process authentication requests against Unix user IDs and passwords known to the Solaris or Linux system on which Access Manager is installed. While there is only one realm attribute, and a few global attributes for Unix authentication, there are some system-oriented considerations. In order to authenticate locally-administered user IDS (see admintool (1M)), root access is required

Unix Authentication makes use of an authentication helper, amunixd, which is a separate process from the main Access Manager process. Upon startup, this helper listens on a port for configuration information. There is only one Unix helper per Access Manager to serve all of its realms.

If Access Manager is installed to run as nobody, or a userid other than root, then the AccessManager-base/SUNWam/share/bin/amunixd process must still execute as root. The Unix authentication module invokes the amunixd daemon by opening a socket to localhost:58946 to listen for Unix authentication requests. To run the amunixd helper process on the default port, enter the following command:


To run amunixd on a non-default port, enter the following command:

./amunixd [-c portnm] [ipaddress]

The ipaddress and portnumber is located in the UnixHelper.ipadrs (in IPV4 format) and UnixHelper.port attributes in . You can run amunixd through the amserver command line utility (amserver runs the process automatically, retrieving the port number and IP address from

The passwd entry in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file determines whether the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files, or NIS are consulted for authentication.