Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Administration Guide

Flat Files Repository Attributes

The following attributes are used to configure a flat file repository:

Files Repository Plug-in Classname

This attribute specifies the Java class file that provides the implementation for flat files. This attribute should not be modified.

Files Repository Directory

Defines the base directory where the identities and their attributes are stored.


When enabled (default), the identities and their attributes will be cached. Subsequent requests will not access the file system.

Time to Update Cache

When caching is enabled, this attribute determines the time interval (in minutes) after which the entries in the cache are checked for any changes made to the file system. The checking mechanism is based on timestamps.

File User Object Classes

Defines the object classes that are automatically added to the users when they are created.

Password Attribute

Provides the attribute name that contains the password used for authentication. This attribute is used to authenticate the user when the Data Store authentication module is enabled.

Status Attribute

Provides the attribute name that stores the identity's status. Values for the status attribute are either active or inactive. This is used during the authentication of the identity. If an identity is inactive, the use will not be authenticated.

Hashed Attributes

Provides a list of attributes whose values will be hashed and stored in the files. Once hashed, the original values cannot be obtained. Only hashed values are retrieved. This is used to ensure privacy where certain attributes should not be permanently stored, but are used for verification. An identity's password attribute, is an example of this type of attribute.

Encrypted Attributes

Provides a list of attributes whose values will be encrypted and stored in the files. Although they are encrypted and stored, calling the Identity Repository APIs would return the original decrypted values. This is prevent users from accessing the file system directly and reading sensitive attributes.