Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Administration Reference

Using amadmin for Federation Management

This section lists the parameters of amadmin for use with Federation Management. For more information on Federation Management, see the Access Manager Federation Management Guide.

Loading the Liberty meta compliance XML into Directory Server

amadmin -u|--runasdn <user’s DN>
-w|--password <password> or -f|--passwordfile <passwordfile>
-e|--entityname <entity name>
-g|--import <xmlfile>

--runasdn (-u)

The user’s DN

--password (-w)

The user’s password.

--passwordfile (-f)

The name of file that contains user’s password. This file is not encrypted and should be protected as a read-only file owned by the web container runtime user (which may not necessarily be root). The default owner is root but it is not required to be. . Any encryption method you use must be managed outside of amadmin.

--entityname (-e)

The entity name. For example, An entity should belong to only one organization.

--import (-g)

The name of an XML file that contains the meta information. This file should adhere to Liberty meta specification and XSD.

Exporting an Entity to an XML File (Without XML Digital Signing)

amadmin -u|--runasdn <user’s DN>

-w|--password <password> or -f|--passwordfile <passwordfile>
-e|--entityname <entity name>
-o|--export <filename>

--runasdn (-u)

The user’s DN

--password (-w)

The user’s password.

--passwordfile (-f)

The name of file that contains user’s password.

--entityname (--e)

The name of Entity that resides in the Directory Server

--export (-o)

The name of the file to contain the XML of the entity. The XML file must be Liberty meta XSD-compliant.

Exporting an Entity to an XML File (With XML Digital Signing)

amadmin -u|--runasdn <user’s DN>
-w|--password <password> or -f|--passwordfile <passwordfile>
-e|--entityname <entity name> -x|--xmlsig -o|--export <filename>

--runasdn (-u)

The user’s DN

--password (-w)

The user’s password.

--passwordfile (-f)

The name of file that contains user’s password.

--entityname (--e)

The name of Entity that resides in the Directory Server

--export (-o)

The name of the file to contain the XML of the entity. The XML file must be Liberty meta XSD-compliant.

--xmlsig (-x)

Used in with the --export option and if specified, the exported file will be signed