Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Administration Reference

Log File Location

The file-based logging function needs a location where log files can be stored. This field accepts a full directory path to that location. The default location is:


If a non-default directory is specified, Access Manager will create the directory if it does not exist. You should then set the appropriate permissions for that directory (for example, 0700).

When configuring the log location for DB (database) logging (such as, Oracle or MySQL), part of the log location is case sensitive. For example, if you are logging to an Oracle database, the log location should be (note case sensitivity):


To configure logging to DB, add the JDBC driver files to the web container's JVM classpath. You need to manually add JDBC driver files to the classpath of the amadmin script, otherwise amadmin logging can not load the JDBC driver.

Changes to logging attributes usually take effect after you save them. This does not require you to restart the server. If you are changing to secure logging, however, you should restart the server.