Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Performance Tuning and Troubleshooting Guide

JVM Tuning Parameters

Add the JVM tuning parameters for JVM 1.4.2 shown below, by following these links in the console:

Servers>Application Servers>server1>Process Definition>Java Virtual Machine

Add “-server” as the first parameter in the “Generic JVM arguments” box. Then, add the following entries after the other existing parameters:

-XX:NewSize=336M -XX:MaxNewSize=336M

If you use WebSphere 6.x with Sun JVM 1.5 or later, then some of the garbage collection (GC) algorithms can be safely removed. The following is a list of JVM options that can be used with Sun JVM 1.5 or later.

-XX:NewSize=336M -XX:MaxNewSize=336M