Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Performance Tuning and Troubleshooting Guide

Conduct the Baseline Test

In this example, the baseline test follows this sequence:

  1. Log in and log out on each individual AM directly.

  2. Log in and time out on each individual AM directly.

  3. Log in and log out using a load balancer with one Access Manager server.

  4. Log in and time out using a load balancer with one Access Manager server.

  5. Log in and log out test on LB with two AM instances behind

  6. Perform login and timeout test on LB with two AM instances behind

If you have two Access Manager instances behind a load balancer, the above tests actually involve at least ten individual test runs: two test runs for 1 through 4, one test run, and one test run for 6.

Note –

In order to perform any log in and timeout test, you must reduce the maximum session timeout value to lower than the default value. For example, change the default 30 minutes to one minute. Otherwise, at the maximum throughput, there will be too many sessions lingering on the system for so long that the memory will be exhausted quickly.