Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Federation and SAML Administration Guide

Liberty ID-FF Protocols and Schema

The Liberty ID-FF Protocols and Schema Specifications defines transmission formats for the following functions:

Following are short explanations of each protocol. More detailed information can be found in the Liberty ID-FF Protocols and Schema Specifications.

Single Sign-On and Federation Protocol

The Single Sign-On and Federation Protocol defines the rules for request and response messages with which a principal is able to authenticate to one or more service providers and federate (or link) configured identities. When a principal attempts to access a service provider resource, the service provider issues a request for authentication to the principal's identity provider. The identity provider responds with a message that contains authentication information, or an artifact that points to authentication information.

Note –

Under certain conditions, an identity provider may issue an authentication response to a service provider without having received an authentication request.

The Single Sign-On and Federation Protocol also defines elements for inclusion in the request and response that control the following behaviors:

Name Registration Protocol

The optional Name Registration Protocol defines the request and response messages a service provider would use to create its own opaque handle to identify a principal when communicating with the identity provider. This registration would occur after federation has been accomplished. After the service provider registers this new handle, subsequent communications with the identity provider would use this identifier rather than the identifier originally defined by the identity provider.

Caution – Caution –

The handle discussed in this section is not related to the opaque handle that is generated by the identity provider during federation as defined in Single Sign-On and Federation Protocol. The Name Registration Protocol can, however, be used by the identity provider to change the opaque handle that it registered with the service provider during initial federation.

Federation Termination Notification Protocol

The Federation Termination Notification Protocol defines a one-way message that one provider would use to notify another provider when a principal has terminated identity federation. The message is asynchronous and states one of the following:

Single Logout Protocol

The Single Logout Protocol defines the request and response messages that providers would exchange when notifying each other of logout events. This exchange would terminate all sessions when a logout occurs at either the service provider or the identity provider.

Name Identifier Mapping Protocol

The Name Identifier Mapping Protocol defines the request and response messages that one service provider can use to communicate with a second service provider to obtain the name identifier assigned to a principal federated in the name space of the second service provider. This would be used when a principal authenticated to one service provider requests access to a second service provider site with which it also has an identity federation relationship. The protocol allows the second service provider to communicate with the first service provider about the principal even though no identity federation for the principal exists between the two service providers.