Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Federation and SAML Administration Guide


The attributes in the Assertion group are as follows:

Assertion Timeout

This attribute specifies the number of seconds before a timeout occurs on an assertion. The default is 420.

Assertion Skew Factor For notBefore Time

This attribute is used to calculate the notBefore time of an assertion. For example, if IssueInstant is 2002-09024T21:39:49Z, and Assertion Skew Factor For notBefore Time is set to 300 seconds (180 is the default value), the notBefore attribute of the conditions element for the assertion would be 2002-09-24T21:34:49Z.

Note –

The total valid duration of an assertion is defined by the values set in both the Assertion Timeout and Assertion Skew Factor For notBefore Time attributes.