Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Federation and SAML Administration Guide

AttributeQuery Class

The AttributeQuery class represents a query for an identity’s attributes. When an identity attempts to access a trusted partner web site, a SAML request with an AttributeQuery is directed to the authority site.

You can develop an attribute mapper to obtain an SSOToken, or an assertion that contains an AuthenticationStatement from the query. If no attribute mapper for the querying site is defined, the DefaultAttributeMapper will be used. To use the DefaultAttributeMapper, the query should have either the SSOToken or an assertion that contains an AuthenticationStatement in the SubjectConfirmationData element. If an SSOToken is used, the ConfirmationMethod must be set to urn:com:sun:identity:. If an assertion is used, the assertion should be issued by the Access Manager instance processing the query or a server that is trusted by the Access Manager instance processing the query.

Note –

In the DefaultAttributeMapper, a subject’s attributes can be queried using another subject’s SSOToken if the SSOToken has the privilege to retrieve the attributes.

For a query using the DefaultAttributeMapper, any matching attributes found will be returned. If no AttributeDesignator is specified in the AttributeQuery, all attributes from the services defined under the userServiceNameList in will be returned. The value of the userServiceNameList property is user service names separated by a comma.