Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Federation and SAML Administration Guide

Liberty Personal Profile Service Attributes

The Liberty Personal Profile Service attributes are global attributes. The values of these attributes are carried across the Access Manager configuration and inherited by each configured organization.

Note –

For information about the types of attributes used in Access Manager, see the Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Technical Overview.

Attributes for the Personal Profile Service are defined in the amLibertyPersonalProfile.xml service file. The attributes are:

ResourceID Mapper

The value of this attribute specifies the implementation of Although a new implementation can be developed, Access Manager provides the default, which maps a discovery resource identifier to a user identifier.


Before processing a request, the Liberty Personal Profile Service verifies the authorization of the WSC making the request. There are two levels of authorization verification:

Authorization occurs through a plug-in to the Liberty Personal Profile Service, an implementation of the interface. Although a new implementation can be developed, Access Manager provides the default class, This plug-in defines four policy action values for the query and modify operations:

The resource values for the rules are similar to x-path expressions defined by the Liberty Personal Profile Service. For example, a rule can be defined like this:

/PP/CommonName/AnalyzedName/FN    Query   Interact for consent
/PP/CommonName/*                  Modify  Interact for value
/PP/InformalName                  Query   Deny

Authorization can be turned off by deselecting one or both of the following attributes, which are also defined in the Liberty Personal Profile Service:

Attribute Mapper

The value of this attribute defines the class for mapping a Liberty Personal Profile Service attribute to an Access Manager user attribute. By default, the class is

Note – is not a public class.

Provider ID

The value of this attribute defines the unique identifier for this instance of the Liberty Personal Profile Service. Use the format protocol://hostname:port/deloy-uri/Liberty/idpp.

Name Scheme

The value of this attribute defines the naming scheme for the Liberty Personal Profile Service common name. Choose First Last or First Middle Last.

Namespace Prefix

The value of this attribute specifies the namespace prefix that is used for Liberty Personal Profile Service XML protocol messages. A namespace differentiates elements with the same name that come from different XML schemas. The Namespace Prefix is prepended to the element.

Supported Containers

The values of this attribute define a list of supported containers in the Liberty Personal Profile Service. A container, as used in this instance, is an attribute of the Liberty Personal Profile Service.

Note –

The term container as described in this section is not related to the Access Manager identity-related object that is also called container.

For example, Emergency Contact and Common Name are two default containers for the Liberty Personal Profile Service. To add a new container, click Add, enter values in the provided fields and click OK.

Note –

This functionality is not yet public.

PPLDAP Attribute Map List

Each identity attribute defined in the Liberty Personal Profile Service maps one-to-one with an Access Manager LDAP attribute. For example, JobTitle=sunIdentityServerPPEmploymentIdentityJobTitle maps the Liberty JobTitle attribute to the Access Manager sunIdentityServerPPEmploymentIdentityJobTitle attribute.

The value of this attribute is a list that specifies the mappings. The list is used by the attribute mapper defined in Attribute Mapper, by default,

Note –

When adding new attributes to the Liberty Personal Profile Service or the LDAP data store, ensure that the new attribute mappings are configured as values of this attribute.

In the following code sample, the Liberty Personal Profile Service informalName attribute mapping to the LDAP attribute uid is added to the mappings already present in the Liberty Personal Profile Service XML service file, amLibertyPersonalProfile.xml.

Note –

Attribute mappings are defined as global attributes under the name sunIdentityServerPPDSAttributeMapList in amLibertyPersonalProfile.xml. This attribute corresponds to that sunIdentityServerPPDSAttributeMapList global attribute.

<AttributeSchema name="sunIdentityServerPPDSAttributeMapList"

Require Query PolicyEval

If selected, this option requires that a policy evaluation be performed for Liberty Personal Profile Service queries. For more information, see Authorizer.

Require Modify PolicyEval

If selected, this option requires that a policy evaluation be performed for Liberty Personal Profile Service modifications. For more information, see Authorizer.

Extension Container Attributes

The Liberty Personal Profile Service allows you to specify extension attributes that are not defined in the Liberty Alliance Project specifications. The values of this attribute specify a list of extension container attributes. All extensions should be defined as:

    /PP/Extension/PPISExtension [@name=’extensionattribute’]

The following sample illustrates an extension query expression for creditcard, an extension attribute.

Example 7–1 Extension Query for creditcard

Note: The prefix for the PPISExtension is different,
 and the schema for the PP extension is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""

  <xs:element name="PPISExtension">
           <xs:extension base="xs:string">
              <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string"

Type the new attribute and click Add.

Extension Attributes Namespace Prefix

The value of this attribute specifies the namespace prefix for the extensions defined in the Extension Container Attributes. This prefix is prepended to the element and helps to distinguish metadata from different XML schema namespaces.

Service Update

The SOAP Binding Service allows a service to indicate that requesters should contact it on a different endpoint or use a different security mechanism and credentials to access the requested resource. If selected, this attribute affirms that there is an update to the service instance.

Service Instance Update Class

The value of this attribute specifies the default implementation class This class is used to update the information for the service instance.

Alternate Endpoint

The value of this attribute specifies an alternate SOAP endpoint to which a SOAP request can be sent.

Alternate Security Mechanisms

This attribute allows you to choose a security mechanism. For more information about this functionality and the mechanisms, see the Liberty ID-WSF Security Mechanisms specification.