Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Federation and SAML Administration Guide

sample3 Directory

The sample3 directory provides a collection of files to configure an environment for creating and managing a federation that includes two SPs and two IDPs. In this case, though, all hosted providers are deployed on a single installation of Access Manager. You need to host the same IP address (the one on which Access Manager is installed) in four different DNS domains. Thus, four virtual server instances are created on a Sun Java System Web Server, one for each of the providers.

Note –

Virtual server instances can be simulated by adding entries in the /etc/hosts file for the fully qualified host names of the virtual servers.

Because this scenario involves multiple IPs, you also need to install a common domain. You can install the Common Domain Services for Federation Management on the same machine as the Access Manager software or on a different machine. The Readme.html file in the sample3 directory provides detailed steps on how to deploy and configure this sample. You can also find information about common domains in Chapter 4, Common Domain Services for Federation Management.