Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Federation and SAML Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure or Modify an Authentication Domain

  1. In the Access Manager Console, click the Federation tab.

  2. Under Federation, select the Authentication Domains tab.

    All created Authentication Domains are displayed.

  3. Click the name of the authentication domain that you want to modify.

    The General and Providers properties for the authentication domain are displayed.

  4. (Optional) Enter or modify a description of the authentication domain in the Description field.

  5. (Optional) Enter or modify the value for the Writer Service URL.

    The Writer Service URL specifies the location of the service that writes the common domain cookie. Use the format http://common-domain-host:port/common/writer. For more information on the Common Domain Services, see Chapter 4, Common Domain Services for Federation Management.

  6. (Optional) Enter or modify the value for the Reader Service URL.

    The Reader Service URL specifies the location of the service that reads the common domain cookie. Use the format http://common-domain-host:port/common/transfer. For more information on the Common Domain Services, see Chapter 4, Common Domain Services for Federation Management.

  7. Select Active or Inactive.

    The default status is Active. Selecting Inactive disables communication within the authentication domain.

  8. Click Add to populate the authentication domain with providers.

    The Trusted Providers page is displayed.

  9. Choose from the list of Available Providers and click Add.

  10. Click OK to save the providers to the authentication domain.

    The authentication domain's attribute page is displayed.

  11. Click Save to complete the configuration.