Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Developer's Guide

ProcedureTo Deploy amclientwebapps.war

  1. Create a deployment directory for amclientwebapps.war.

    On Solaris

    mkdir -p ClientSDK-base-directory/SUNWam/web-src/clientsdk

    On Linux

    mkdir -p ClientSDK-base-directory/identity/web-src/clientsdK

  2. On the web container instance where you want to use the Access Manager client SDK, deploy the amclientwebapps.war file. See the following examples:

    Sun Java Enterprise Web Server on Solaris or Linux

    Use the wdeploy command to deploy amclientwebapps.war with a URI of /amcilentwebapps on the Web Server instance https-clientSDKinstance. Example:

    WebServer-base-directory/bin/https/httpadmin/bin/wdeploy deploy -u /amclientwebapps -i https-clientSDKinstance -v https-clientsdkinstance -d ClientSDK-base-directory/SUNWam/web-src/clientsdk clientSDK-base-directory/SUNWam/amclientwebapps.war

    Sun Java Enterprise Application Server on Solaris

    Using the asadmin command to deploy amclientwebapps.war with a URI of /amclientwebapps on the application server instance clientsSDKinstance. Example:

    ApplicationServer-base-directory/appserver/bin/asadmin deploy -user Admin-User-ID --host ApplicationServer-instanceHost --port ApplicationServer-Admin-Port --contextroot amclientwebapps -name amcilentwebapps -target clientSDKinstance ClientSDK-base-directory/SUNWam/amclientwebapps.war

    Be sure to use the fully qualified host name for ApplicationServer-instanceHost.

    Enter the Application Server administration password when prompted.

    Sun Java Enterprise Application Server on Linux

    Using the asadmin command to deploy amclientwebapps.war with a URI of /amclientwebapps on the application server instance clientsSDKinstance. Example:

    ApplicationServer-base-directory/bin/asadmin deploy -user Admin-User-ID --host ApplicationServer-instanceHost --port ApplicationServer-Admin-Port --contextroot amclientwebapps -name amcilentwebapps -target clientSDKinstance ClientSDK-base-directory/SUNWam/amclientwebapps.war

    Be sure to use the fully qualified host name for ApplicationServer-instanceHost.

    Enter the Application Server administration password when prompted.

    If you are deploying the client SDK on a third-party web container such as BEA WebLogic Server or IBM WebSphere Application Server, then see the documentation that comes with that product.

  3. Restart the web container instance on which the Access Manager client SDK was deployed.

    If the full server instance being accessed by the client SDK is SSL-enabled, then you must install the root CA certificate of the server's certificate in the web container's JVM-wide cacerts keystore. Alternatively, you can create a keystore on the client SDK machine to contain the server's root CA certificate. Then add the necessary JVM options to the client SDK's web container instance to locate the newly created keystore.