Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Postinstallation Guide

ProcedureTo Configure Access Manager Using the amconfig Script

  1. Login as (or become) superuser (root).

  2. Copy the amsamplesilent file and rename the file to describe the new instance you want to configure.

    For example, if you plan to configure an Access Manager instance for WebLogic Application Server, you might name the file as am_weblogic_server.

  3. Set the variables in the am_weblogic_server file to configure (or reconfigure) the Access Manager instance. For example:

    WEB_CONTAINER=WAS5 # WebLogic Application Server is the web container
    DIRECTORY_MODE=4  # Directory Server is provisioned with user data

    Caution – Caution –

    In a multiple server deployment that shares the same Directory Server, all Access Manager instances must use the same value for the password encryption key. Before you run the amconfig script, set the AM_ENC_PWD variable in the copy of the amsamplesilent file with the same encryption key value used for other instances.

  4. Run the amconfig script.

    For example, on Solaris systems with Access Manager installed in the default directory, run amconfig using the new am_weblogic_server file as the configuration input file:

    # cd /opt/SUNWam/bin/
    # ./amconfig -s ./am_weblogic_server

    The amconfigscript reads the variables in the am_weblogic_server file and then runs in silent mode (-s option) to configure Access Manager for the WebLogic Application Server web container.

    For more information about the amsamplesilent file and running the amconfig script, see Chapter 2, Running the Access Manager amconfig ScriptChapter 2.

  5. Restart the web container.

Next Steps

In case you might need to reconfigure or uninstall this instance later, save the new am_weblogic_server file.