Technical Note: Precautions Against Cookie Hijacking in an Access Manager Deployment

ProcedureTo Create an Agent Profile

This task is appropriate for web agents and J2EE agents. See the preceding Caution for information about when this task might apply.

Agent profiles apply to specific agents but are created and modified in Access Manager Console. Therefore, tasks related to the agent profile are discussed in Access Manager documentation and Policy Agent documentation, as well as in this document.

Perform the following steps using the Access Manager Console. The key steps of this task involve creating an agent ID and an agent password.

  1. With the Access Control tab selected click the name of the realm for which you would like to create an agent profile.

  2. Select the Subjects tab.

  3. Select the Agent tab.

  4. Click New.

  5. Enter values for the following fields:

    ID. Enter the name or identity of the agent. This is the agent profile name, which is the name the agent uses to log into Access Manager. Multi-byte names are not accepted.

    Password. Enter the agent password. This password must be different than the LDAP user password used by Access Manager.

    Password (confirm). Confirm the password.

    Device Status. Select the device status of the agent. The default status is Active. If set to Active, the agent will be able to authenticate to and communicate with Access Manager. If set to Inactive, the agent will not be able to authenticate to Access Manager.

  6. Click Create.

    The list of agents appears.

  7. (Optional) If you desire, add a description to your newly created agent profile:

    1. Click the name of your newly created agent profile from the agent list.

    2. In the Description field, enter a brief description of the agent.

      For example, you can enter the agent instance name or the name of the application it is protecting.

    3. Click Save.

Next Steps

If you performed this task for a web agent, you must also perform the following task about updating the agent profile. If you performed this task for a J2EE agent, you can skip to Configuring the Access Manager Deployment Against Cookie Hijacking.