Technical Note: Sun Java System Access Manager Localization Guide

XML Files

Access Manager XML files contain software messages to be displayed in the Administration Console. These XML files are used by the authentication service to display the localized authentication (login) screen based on a particular module type. Save XML files under UTF-8 encoding after each modification. To ensure that an XML file is saved under UTF-8 encoding, the Solaris binary iconv can be used as follows: iconv -f current-file-encoding -t UTF-8 filename

For more information about the iconv binary, go to

Access Manager XML files are located under this directory: AM_INS/web-src/services/config/auth/default_locale/

For example, the location of the XML files for the Dutch version of Access Manager is the AM_INS/web-src/services/config/auth/default_nl/ directory.

The following XML files are for the Dutch version of Access Manager: