Technical Note: Sun Java System Access Manager Localization Guide

Localizing Authentication Interface Files

When providing authentication interfaces for localized environments, a separate directory for each language that contains customized XML files must be created. For each language, a subdirectory structure similar to the Access Manager information tree must also be created. The subdirectory starts from the authentication interface base directory, that is, AM_INS/web-src/services/config/auth/default_locale/

The first directory structure is needed to receive the new authentication interface file. This directory structure is then populated with existing interface files. Finally, these files are customized.

For instructions on how to localize authentication interface files for a new language, see Hands-on Lab Format.

The following procedures explain what must be done to localize authentication interface files.

ProcedureTo Create a Subdirectory Structure for the AMRoot Realm and All Its Sub-realms

  1. Open a terminal window (if necessary) on a system where Access Manager is installed.

  2. Navigate to the authentication interface base directory.

  3. Create a subdirectory structure.

  4. Change to the created subdirectory.

ProcedureTo Populate the Created Subdirectory With Desired Interface Files

  1. Copy the default Login.jsp file to the current directory.

  2. Copy the default Logout.jsp file to the current directory.

  3. Copy the default LDAP.xml file to the current directory.

ProcedureTo Customize Previously Copied Files

  1. Open the files in a text editor.

  2. Insert the new strings.

  3. Save the files.