Deployment Example 1: Access Manager 7.1 Load Balancing, Distributed Authentication UI, and Session Failover

ProcedureTo Enable Multi-Master Replication for the Directory Server 2 Configuration Data Instance

  1. As a root user, log in to the DirectoryServer–2 host machine.

  2. (Optional) Run the dsconf list-suffixes command to verify that the instance is not already enabled for replication.

    # cd /var/opt/mps/serverroot/ds6/bin
    # ./dsconf list-suffixes -p 1389 -v
    Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password: d1rm4n4ger
    dc=example,dc=com 	1		not-replicated		N/A		N/A		29
    The "list-suffixes" operation succeeded on "localhost:1389"

    The base suffix of the instance is not-replicated as displayed in the resulting list.

  3. Run dsconf enable-repl to enable replication.

    # ./dsconf enable-repl -h 
    -p 1389 -d 22 master dc=example,dc=com
    Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password: d1rm4n4ger
    Use "dsconf create-repl-agmt" to create replication agreements on

    The -d option takes as input a randomly chosen identifier to represent the Directory Server 2 configuration data instance; in this case, 22. master indicates that the instance is a master and not a replica. The base suffix is specified as dc=example,dc=com.

  4. Run dsconf list-suffixes again to verify that the instance is now enabled for replication.

    # ./dsconf list-suffixes -p 1389 -v
    Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password: d1rm4n4ger
    dc=example,dc=com 	1		master(22)		N/A		N/A		29
    The "list-suffixes" operation succeeded on "localhost:1389"

    The base suffix of the instance is master(22) as displayed in the resulting list, indicating that the master was successfully enabled.

  5. Log out of the DirectoryServer–2 host machine.