Deployment Example 1: Access Manager 7.1 Load Balancing, Distributed Authentication UI, and Session Failover

ProcedureTo Set Up the J2EE Policy Agent 2 Authentication Provider

Before You Begin

This procedure assumes that you have just completed To Start the J2EE Policy Agent 2 Application.

  1. In the WebLogic Server console, on the Summary of Deployments page, under Domain Structure, click Security Realms.

  2. On the Summary of Security Realms page, click Lock & Edit.

  3. Click the myrealm link.

  4. On the Settings for myrealm page, click the Providers tab.

  5. Under Authentication Providers, click New.

  6. On the Create a New Authentication Provider page, provide the following information and click OK.




    Select AgentAuthenticator from the drop down list.

    Agent-2 is now included in the list of Authentication Providers.

  7. In the list of Authentication Providers, click Agent-2.

  8. In the Settings for Authentication Providers page, verify that the Control Flag is set to OPTIONAL.

  9. In the navigation tree near the top of the page, click Providers.

  10. In the list of Authentication Providers, click DefaultAuthenticator.

  11. In the Settings for DefaultAuthenticator page, set the Control Flag to OPTIONAL and click Save.

  12. In the navigation tree near the top of the page, click Providers again.

  13. In the Change Center, click Activate Changes.

  14. (Optional) If indicated by the console, restart the servers.

    1. Log out of the WebLogic Server console.

    2. As a root user, log into the ProtectedResource–2 host machine.

    3. Restart the administration server and the managed instance.

      # cd /usr/local/bea/user_projects/domains/ProtectedResource-2/bin
      # ./ ApplicationServer-2 t3://localhost:7001
      # ./
      # ./
      # ./ ApplicationServer-2 t3://localhost:7001
    4. Log out of the ProtectedResource–2 host machine.