C H A P T E R  1

Operating System Installation Overview

This chapter gives an overview of the operating system (OS) installation process. For additional information about disk management and monitoring utilities, see the Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) documentation. (Note that there are multiple versions of ILOM. Be sure to refer to the guide that matches your server’s installed version of ILOM.)

Preparing to Install an OS on a Sun Fire X4540 Server

There are several supported OS distributions and several ways to install each. This section is intended only as a general guide that refers you to detailed procedures.


You must complete the following before you can begin the installation:

Things You Must Decide

Before you begin installing the OS, answer the following questions.

A list of supported operating systems for the Sun Fire X4540 series servers is available at http://www.sun.com/servers/x64/x4540/os.jsp

Note - The Sun Fire X4540 server supports industry-standard remote KVMS (keyboard, video, mouse, and storage) operation with the Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) Remote Console application. For more information on setting up a remote KVMS connection to your server, see the Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) documentation. (Note that there are multiple versions of ILOM. Be sure to refer to the guide that matches your server’s installed version of ILOM.)

In general, you might need to perform updates once the OS has been installed. For details, see the appropriate chapter for your particular OS.

Optional Software

Additional software is available for Linux and Solaris operating systems to aid in the operation and management of your server.

HERD is a utility that runs on Linux for monitoring, decoding, and reporting correctable hardware errors. For more information, refer to the x64 Servers Utilities Reference Manual (820-1120) available with your server’s documentation at:


The hd utility runs on Solaris, Linux and Windows and provides a logical-to-physical mapping of the server’s 48 hard disk drives. For more information, refer to the x64 Servers Utilities Reference Manual (820-1120) available with your server’s documentation at http://docs.sun.com.

Note - The examples shown for the hd utility in the x64 Servers Utilities Reference Manual are for the Sun Fire X4500. Disk mapping for the X4540 will be different.

The Disk Control and Monitoring Utility (DCMU) is a program for the Sun Fire X4540 server running the Red Hat Linux, or SUSE Linux operating systems. DCMU assists with drive insertion and removal, reports changes in disk configuration and synchronizes the disk FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) information with information stored in the Sun Fire X4540’s Service Processor.

For details, refer to Chapter 6 (for Red Hat), or Chapter 7 (for SLES).

The IPMItool is a command line utility that reads the sensor data repository (SDR) and displays sensor values, System Event Log (SEL), Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) inventory information, gets and sets LAN configuration parameters, and performs chassis power control operations via the server’s Service Processor. For information about using the IPMItool, refer to your Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager 2.0 User’s Guide (820-1188).

Drivers for Option Cards

Option cards supported by operating systems are listed on the platform-specific product web page under Companion Products. To check if the driver of your option card is available for download, check the Option Cards link on the Product Page.

For example, Sun Fire X4100 M2 platform page and related option card are:



For complete platform listings please visit:


Next Steps