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Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Administration Guide

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Document Information

Before You Start

Starting and Stopping Your Server Instance

Configuring the Server Instance

Managing Administration Traffic to the Server

Overview of the Administration Connector

Accessing Administrative Suffixes

To Configure the Administration Connector

Configuring the Server With dsconfig

Overview of the dsconfig Command

Using dsconfig in Interactive Mode

Getting Help With dsconfig

Configuring a Server Instance

To Display the Properties of a Component

To List Components

To Create a Component

To Modify the Properties of a Component

To Modify the Values of a Multi-Valued Property

To Delete a Component

To Use dsconfig in Batch Mode

Configuring the Connection Handlers

To Display All Connection Handlers

Configuring the LDAP Connection Handler

To Control Which Clients Have LDAP Access to the Directory Server

Configuring the LDIF Connection Handler

To Enable the JMX Alert Handler Through the LDIF Connection Handler

Configuring the JMX Connection Handler

To Change the Port on Which the Server Listens for JMX Connections

Configuring Plug-Ins With dsconfig

Overview of Plug-In Types

Modifying the Plug-In Configuration

To Display the List of Plug-Ins

To Create a New Plug-In

To Enable or Disable a Plug-In

To Display and Configure Plug-In Properties

To Configure Plug-In Invocation Order

Configuring Commands As Tasks

Utilities That Can Schedule Tasks

Controlling Which Tasks Can Be Run

Scheduling and Configuring Tasks

To Schedule a Task

To Schedule a Recurring Task

To Configure Task Notification

To Configure Task Dependencies

Managing and Monitoring Scheduled Tasks

To Obtain Information About Scheduled Tasks

To Cancel a Scheduled Task

To Cancel a Recurring Task

To Manage Tasks by Using the Control Panel

Deploying and Configuring the DSML Gateway

Deploying the DSML Gateway

Deploying the DSML Gateway in Apache Tomcat

Deploying the DSML Gateway in Glassfish

Deploying the DSML Gateway in Sun Java System Web Server 7

Configuring the DSML Gateway

Confirming the DSML Gateway Deployment

To Confirm the DSML Gateway Deployment with JXplorer

Confirming the DSML Gateway Deployment with the Directory Server Resource Kit

Deploying and Configuring the NameFinder Application

Deploying NameFinder

Deploying NameFinder in Apache Tomcat

Deploying NameFinder in Glassfish

Deploying NameFinder in Sun Java System Web Server 7

Configuring NameFinder

Confirming the NameFinder Deployment

To Confirm the NameFinder Deployment

Configuring the Proxy Components

Configuring Security Between Clients and Servers

Configuring Security Between the Proxy and the Data Source

Configuring Servers With the Control Panel

Managing Directory Data

Replicating Directory Data

Controlling Access To Data

Managing Users and Groups

Monitoring Sun OpenDS Standard Edition

Improving Performance

Advanced Administration

Configuring a Server Instance

The dsconfig command is the recommended utility for accessing the server configuration. Accessing the configuration directly over LDAP, using the ldap* utilities is discouraged.

To Display the Properties of a Component

Each component has one or more properties that can be displayed by using the component's get-xxx-prop subcommand. Each component is associated with a single LDAP entry in the server configuration, and each property is associated with a single LDAP attribute.

To List Components

You can view a list and summary of the instances of one component by using the component's list-xxxs subcommand. This can be particularly useful if you have more than one instance of the same component.

To Create a Component

New instances of a component can be created by using the component's create-xxx subcommand. Often there are several subtypes of the component. For example, there are currently three types of connection handler: LDAP, JMX, and LDIF. Because all of these are created by using the same subcommand, you must specify the type of component that you want to create. Do this by using the subcommand's -t or --type.

When you create a new component, you must specify the component's mandatory properties. The mandatory properties depend on the type of component that is being created. For example, an LDAP connection handler might have different mandatory properties to a JMX connection handler. If a mandatory property is left undefined, dsconfig enters interactive mode and prompts you for the undefined properties. If you include the -n (non-interactive) option, dsconfig fails to create the component and displays an error message indicating which properties need to be defined.

  1. Display the types of connection handler that can be created by accessing the help for the connection handler component.
    $ dsconfig create-connection-handler --help
    Usage: dsconfig create-connection-handler {options}
    Creates Connection Handlers
    Global Options:
    See "dsconfig --help"
    SubCommand Options:
    --handler-name {NAME}
    The name of the new Connection Handler
    --set {PROP:VALUE}
    Assigns a value to a property where PROP is the name of the property and
    VAL is the single value to be assigned. Specify the same property multiple
    times in order to assign more than one value to it
    -t, --type {TYPE}
    The type of Connection Handler which should be created. The value for TYPE
    can be one of: custom | jmx | ldap | ldif
  2. Create a new LDAP connection handler, specifying values for the mandatory enabled and the listen-port properties.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -w password -n \
      create-connection-handler \
      -t ldap --handler-name "My LDAP Connection Handler"

    An error message similar to the following will be displayed.

    The LDAP Connection Handler could not be created because the following
    mandatory properties were not defined:
    Property     Syntax
    enabled      false | true
    listen-port  1 <= INTEGER <= 65535

To Modify the Properties of a Component

The properties of a component can be modified by using the component's set-xxx-prop subcommand. Multiple properties can be modified at the same time by using multiple occurrences of the --set option. The following example uses the set-connection-handler-prop subcommand to modify the properties of a connection handler.

Note - Many components have a Java class property that specifies the name of a Java class to be used as the implementation of the component. Do not modify this property, as doing so could prevent your server from operating correctly. These properties are treated as advanced properties and hidden from view unless you run dsconfig with the --advanced option.

To Modify the Values of a Multi-Valued Property

You can set multiple values for a property by using the --set and --add options in successive dsconfig commands.

Note - You cannot use the --set and --add options simultaneously in the same command.

To set more than one value for a property that currently has no values, use the --set option to set the first value, and the --add option (in a separate command) for subsequent values. You cannot use the --add option if the property does not have an existing value, either a default value or a value that you have already set.

Note - Many components have a Java class property that specifies the name of a Java class to be used as the implementation of the component. Do not modify this property, as doing so could prevent your server from operating correctly. These properties are treated as advanced properties and hidden from view unless you run dsconfig with the --advanced option.

The following example sets multiple values for the allowed-client property.

To Delete a Component

Existing instances of a component can be removed using the component's delete-xxx.

To Use dsconfig in Batch Mode

The -F or --batchFile option of the dsconfig command enables you to specify a number of operations that are completed in a single command by consolidating those operations in a file. This can significantly improve performance when several dsconfig commands are required.

To use dsconfig in batch mode, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a file that contains all of the required commands.

    For example, the following file (named new-backend.txt) achieves three separate tasks:

    • creates a new back end

    • adds a set of indexes

    • sets the backend index entry limit

    create-backend --set base-dn:cn=myexample,cn=com --set enabled:true \
      --type local-db --backend-name myBackend
    create-local-db-index --backend-name myBackend --set index-type:equality \
      --type generic --index-name cn
    create-local-db-index --backend-name myBackend --set index-type:equality \
      --type generic --index-name telephoneNumber
    create-local-db-index --backend-name myBackend --set index-type:equality \
      --set index-type:substring --type generic --index-name mail
    create-local-db-index --backend-name myBackend --set index-type:equality \
      --type generic --index-name sn
    create-local-db-index --backend-name myBackend --set index-type:equality \
      --type generic --index-name uniqueMember
    set-local-db-index-prop --backend-name myBackend --index-name uniqueMember \
      --set index-entry-limit:5000
    create-local-db-index --backend-name myBackend --set index-type:equality \
      --type generic --index-name member
    create-local-db-index --backend-name myBackend --set index-type:equality \
      --type generic --index-name uid
    set-backend-prop --backend-name myBackend --set index-entry-limit:6000
  2. Run the dsconfig command with that file as a parameter.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D cn="directory manager" -w password \
      -F new-backend.txt -X -n