access control instruction (ACI)
authentication password syntax
authorization identity control
Common Development and Distribution License
deprecated password storage scheme
Directory Services Markup Language
entry change notification control
extensible match search filter
greater than or equal to search filter
less than or equal to search filter
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
notice of disconnection unsolicited notification
Password Modify extended operation
Simple Authentication and Security Layer
virtual attributes only control
The LDAP intermediate response message is a special type of protocol op that allows the server to send additional messages providing information about the state of an operation before it has completed processing and the final response message is sent. Prior to the introduction of the intermediate response in RFC 3771, only search operations were allowed to send multiple responses.
The intermediate response protocol op is defined as follows:
IntermediateResponse ::= [APPLICATION 25] SEQUENCE { responseName [0] LDAPOID OPTIONAL, responseValue [1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL }
At present, the directory server does not support any operations that make use of intermediate response messages.