Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9 Administration Guide

Setting up a Registry for use with Application Server

Application Server does not currently provide a web services registry. If you want to use an ebXML registry, downolad the Java Web Services Developer Pack (JWSDP) 1.6, which includes an ebXML registry. To run JWSDP, you must use Application Server 8.2 or another web container such as Tomcat.

To set up your own registry to work with Application Server, follow the procedures in this section.

ProcedureTo Create a Registry

  1. Download Java Web Services Developer Pack (JWSDP) 1.6:

  2. Install JWSDP 1.6 on your system.

  3. Download and install the desired web container.

    JWSDP 1.6 works with Application Server 8.2, J2EE 1.4 SDK, and Tomcat 5.0 for JWSDP. You cannot use Application Server 9 as the web container with JWSDP 1.6.

  4. Change the default port that the web container uses.

    Application Server 9 uses port 8080 by default, so you must change the port that the web container uses to avoid conflicts. Change the port, for example, to 7080. With Tomcat, you can do this in the server.xml file. In Sun Java System Application Server 8.2 you can do this using Admin Console.

  5. Start the container.

    This starts the installed registry by default. JWSDP 1.6 comes with the registry preconfigured.

  6. Configure the resource adapter to work with Application Server, as described in the next section.

ProcedureTo Configure a Resource Adapter for an ebXML Registry

The result of this procedure will be to create a soar.rar resource adapter file that you can deploy to Application Server.

Before You Begin

Set the JWSDP_HOME environment variable to the directory where JWSDP 1.6 is installed and the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory where J2SE is installed.

  1. Download the ra.xml file from the Glassfish site:

    Save the file in the /tmp directory (C:\tmp on Windows).

  2. You can either download and execute a script, or perform the steps manually.

    • To use a script:

      1. Download one of the following scripts:

        Save the script to the /tmp directory (C:\tmp on Windows).

      2. Execute the script.

    • To perform the steps manually:

      1. Enter the following commands:

        cd $JWSDP_HOME/registry/lib
        mkdir tmp
        cp soar-jaxr-ra.jar ./tmp
        cd tmp
        jar xvf soar-jaxr-ra.jar
        rm soar-jaxr-ra.jar ra.xml ./META-INF/SUN* ./META-INF/
        cp ra.xml META_INF .
        cp $JWSDP_HOME/registry/lib/oasis-* .
        cp $JWSDP_HOME/registry/lib/omar-common.jar .
        cp $JWSDP_HOME/registry/lib/jaxr-ebxml.jar .
        cp $JWSDP_HOME/jwsdp-shared/lib/commons-logging.jar .

        Note –

        The commands shown are for Unix or Linux. Use the equivalent commands on Windows.

        Now, the tmp directory should contain the following files and directories:

        • META-INF directory

        • com directory

        • jaxr-ebxml.jar

        • oasis-regrep.jar

        • omar-common.jar

        • oasis-saml1.1.jar

        • oasis-saml2.0.jar

        • commons-logging.jar

      2. Enter this command to create resource adapter file soar.rar:

        jar cvf soar.rar META-INF com jaxr-ebxml.jar oasis-regrep.jar omar-common.jar oasis-saml1.1.jar oasis-saml2.0.jar commons-logging.jar

        Note –

        To use the jar command on Windows, you must have the JAVA_HOME\bin directory on your path.

Next Steps

Once you have created the soar.rar file, deploy it to create a registry as described in the next section.