Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9 Administration Guide

Profiler and JVM Options Commands

The Profiler and JVM options commands allow you to administrate profilers and control these elements. These commands are supported in remote mode only.

Table 22–10 Profiler and JVM Options Commands




Creates the profiler element. A server instance is tied to a particular profiler, by the profiler element in the Java configuration. Changing a profiler requires you to restart the server. 


Deletes the profiler element you specify. A server instance is tied to a particular profiler by the profiler element in the Java configuration. Changing a profiler requires you to restart the server. 


Creates JVM options in the Java configuration or profiler elements of the domain.xml file. If JVM options are created for a profiler, they are used to record the settings needed to get a particular profiler going. You must restart the server for newly created JVM options to take effect.


Removes JVM options from the Java configuration or profiler elements of the domain.xml file.