Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9 Developer's Guide
 EJB 3.0
  Java Persistence ( Index Term Link )
  summary of changes ( Index Term Link )
 EJB components
  caching ( Index Term Link )
  calling from a different application ( Index Term Link )
  flushing ( Index Term Link )
  pooling ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  remote bean invocations ( Index Term Link )
  security ( Index Term Link )
  thread pools ( Index Term Link )
 ejb-jar.xml file ( Index Term Link )
 ejbPassivate ( Index Term Link )
 EJB QL queries ( Index Term Link )
 ejb-ref element ( Index Term Link )
 ejb-ref mapping, using JNDI name instead ( Index Term Link )
 EJB Timer Service ( Index Term Link )
 enabled attribute ( Index Term Link )
 encoding, of servlets ( Index Term Link )
 endorsed standards override mechanism ( Index Term Link )
 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) ( Index Term Link )
 env-classpath-ignored attribute ( Index Term Link )
 events, server life cycle ( Index Term Link )
 example applications ( Index Term Link )
 explicitcommand attribute ( Index Term Link )
 external JNDI resource ( Index Term Link )