Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9 Upgrade and Migration Guide

Using the asadmin Utility to Deploy the iBank Application on Application Server

The last step is to deploy the application on Sun Java System Application Server 9. The process for deploying an application is described below:

The Sun Java System Application Server 9 asadmin command includes a help section on deployment that is accessible from the Help menu.

The command line utility asadmin can be invoked by executing asadmin.bat file in Windows and asadmin file in Solaris Operating Environment that is stored in Application Server’s installation’s bin directory.

At asadmin prompt, the command for deployment looks like this:

asadmin> deploy -u username -w password -H hostname -p adminport absolute_path_to_application

After restarting the Application Server, open a browser and go to the following URL to test the application:


When prompted, enter one of the available user names and passwords. The main menu page of the iBank application displays.