Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9 Upgrade and Migration Guide

Upgrade Overview

The following table shows supported Application Server upgrades, where PE indicates Platform Edition and EE indicates Enterprise Edition.

Table 3–1 Supported Upgrade Paths

Source Installation  

9 Platform Edition  


Not supported 


Not applicable 


Not applicable 



8.0 EE 

Not applicable 

8.1 PE 


8.1 EE  

Not applicable 

8.2 PE  


8.2 EE 

Not applicable 

Note –

Before starting the upgrade process, make sure that both the source server (the server from which you are upgrading) and the target server (the server to which you are upgrading) are stopped.

The software provides two methods, a command-line utility (asupgrade) and an Upgrade Wizard, for completing the upgrade. If you issue the asupgrade command with no options, the Upgrade Wizard is displayed. If you use theasupgrade command in command-line mode and if you do not supply all of the required information, an interviewer requests information for the required options you omitted. The Upgrade Wizard automatically detects the version of the specified source server installation.

If a domain contains information about a deployed application and the installed application components do not agree with the configuration information, the configuration is migrated as is without any attempt to reconfigure the incorrect configurations.

During an upgrade, the configuration and deployed applications of a previous version of the Application Server are migrated; however, the runtime binaries of the server are not updated. Database migrations or conversions are also beyond the scope of this upgrade process.

Only those instances that do not use Web Server-specific features are upgraded seamlessly. Configuration files related to HTTP path, CGI bin, SHTML, and NSAPI plug-ins are not be upgraded.

Enterprise Application Archive (EAR) files and component archives (JAR, WAR, and RAR files) that are deployed in the Application Server 8.x environment do not require any modification to run on Application Server 9.

Applications and components that are deployed in the source server are deployed on the target server during the upgrade. Applications that do not deploy successfully on the target server must be migrated using the Migration Tool or asmigrate command, then deployed again manually.

If the upgrade includes clusters, specify one or more cluster files. Upon successful upgrade, an upgrade report is generated listing successfully migrated items along with a list of the items that could not be migrated.