Sun Java System Message Queue 4.0 Release Notes

Broker Support: JMX-Related Properties

Several new broker properties have been added to support the JMX API (see Table 1–2). None of these properties can be set from the command line with the Message Queue Command utility (imqcmd). Instead, they can either be set with the -D option of the Broker utility (imqbrokerd) or edited by hand in the broker's instance configuration file ( In addition, some of these properties (imq.jmx.rmiregistry.start, imq.jmx.rmiregistry.use, imq.jmx.rmiregistry.port) can be set with the new Broker utility options described in Table 1–3. The table lists each option, specifies its type, and describes its use.

Table 1–2 New Broker Properties for JMX Support






Start RMI registry at broker startup?

If true, the broker will start an RMI registry at the port specified by imq.jmx.rmiregistry.port and use it to store the RMI stub for JMX connectors. Note that the value of imq.jmx.rmiregistry.use is ignored in this case.

Default value: false



Use external RMI registry?

Applies only if imq.jmx.rmiregistry.start is false.

If true, the broker will use an external RMI registry at the port specified by imq.jmx.rmiregistry.port to store the RMI stub for JMX connectors. The external RMI registry must already be running at broker startup.

Default value: false



Port number of RMI registry

Applies only if imq.jmx.rmiregistry.start or imq.jmx.rmiregistry.use is true. JMX connectors can then be configured to use the RMI registry by including this port number in the URL path of their JMX service URLs.

Default value: 1099



Names of preconfigured JMX connectors, separated by commas

Default value: jmxrmi,ssljmxrmi



Names of JMX connectors to be activated at broker startup, separated by commas

Default value: jmxrmi



urlPath component of JMX service URL for connector connectorName

Useful in cases where the JMX service URL path must be set explicitly (such as when a shared external RMI registry is used).

Default value: If an RMI registry is used to store the RMI stub for JMX connectors (that is, if imq.jmx.registry.start or imq.jmx.registry.use is true):


If an RMI registry is not used (the default case, imq.jmx.registry.start and imq.jmx.registry.use both false):


where rmiStub is an encoded and serialized representation of the RMI stub itself




Use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for connector connectorName?

Default value: false



Trust any certificate presented by broker for connector connectorName?

Applies only when imq.jmx.connector.connectorName.useSSL is true.

If false, the Message Queue client runtime will validate all certificates presented to it. Validation will fail if the signer of the certificate is not in the client's trust store.

If true, validation of certificates is skipped. This can be useful, for instance, during software testing when a self-signed certificate is used.

Default value: false

The imq.jmx.connector.list property defines a set of named JMX connectors to be created at broker startup; imq.jmx.connector.activelist specifies which of these are to be activated. Each named connector then has its own set of properties:




By default, two JMX connectors are created, named jmxrmi and ssljmxrmi; the first is configured not to use SSL encryption (imq.jmx.connector.jmxrmi.useSSL = false, the second to use it (imq.jmx.connector.ssljmxrmi.useSSL = true). By default, only the jmxrmi connector is activated at broker startup; see SSL Support for JMX Clients for information on how to activate the ssljmxrmi connector for secure communications.

For convenience, new options (Table 1–3) are also added to the command-line Broker utility (imqbrokerd) to control the usage, startup, and port for the RMI registry. The use and effects of these options are the same as those of the equivalent broker properties, as described in Table 1–2. The table lists each option, specifies its equivalent broker property, and describes its use.

Table 1–3 New Broker Utility Options for JMX Support


Equivalent Broker Property 




Start RMI registry at broker startup?



Use external RMI registry?



Port number of RMI registry

A new subcommand (Table 1–4) is added to the command-line Command utility (imqcmd) for listing the JMX service URLs of JMX connectors created and started at broker startup. This information is needed by JMX clients that do not use the Message Queue convenience class AdminConnectionFactory to obtain their JMX connectors, and can also be used for managing or monitoring Message Queue via a generic JMX browser such as the Java Monitoring and Management Console (jconsole).

Table 1–4 New Command Utility Subcommand



list jmx

List JMX service URLs of JMX connectors