To use this tutorial you must download and install the following software:
The latest Java SE 5.0 (Update 12) or JDK 6.0 (Update 2) with which the WSIT Milestone 6 software has been extensively tested
GlassFish version 2 Build 58, your web container
You can run the examples in this tutorial that use a web container without the NetBeans IDE on either GlassFish or Tomcat. However, for this edition of the tutorial, you can only run the examples that use a web container and the NetBeans IDE with GlassFish.
WSIT distribution Milestone Release 6 (Release Candidate 1)
NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 FCS
WSIT plug-in modules, Version 2.41, for NetBeans IDE 5.5.1
See the WSIT Installation Instructions, located at, for instructions about downloading and installing all the required software.
To run the examples described in this tutorial, you must also download the WSIT samples kits. Download the sample kits from the following locations:*checkout*/wsit/wsit/docs/howto/*checkout*/wsit/wsit/docs/howto/*checkout*/wsit/wsit/docs/howto/