Sun GlassFish Communications Server 2.0 Application Deployment Guide

Command-Line Syntax

The verifier tool’s syntax is as follows:

verifier [options] file

The file can be an EAR, WAR, RAR, or JAR file.

The following table shows the options for the verifier tool.

Table 1–1 Verifier Options

Short Form 

Long Form 




Turns on verbose mode. In verbose mode, the status of each run of each test is displayed on the verifier console. 

-d output-dir

--destdir output-dir

Writes test results to the output-dir, which must already exist. By default, the results files are created in the current directory.

-D domain-dir

--domain domain-dir

Specifies the absolute path to the domain directory. This option is ignored if the -p option is used. The default domain directory isas-install/domains/domain1.


--reportlevel level

Sets the output report level to one of the following values:

  • a or all - Reports all results.

  • w or warnings - Reports only warning and failure results. This is the default.

  • f or failures - Reports only failure results.



Appends a timestamp to the output file name. The format of the timestamp is yyyyMMddhhmmss. 



Displays help for the verifier command. If you use this option, you do not need to specify an EAR, WAR, RAR, or JAR file.



Displays the verifier tool version. If you use this option, you do not need to specify an EAR, WAR, RAR, or JAR file.



Verifies portable features only. By default, the verifier also checks correct usage of Communications Server features in the sun-*.xml deployment descriptor files.



Runs only the application tests. 



Runs only the application client tests. 



Runs only the connector tests. 



Runs only the EJB tests. 



Runs only the web module tests.  



Runs only the web service tests. 



Runs only the web service client tests. 

For example, the following command runs the verifier on the ejb.jar file with default settings:

verifier ejb.jar

The results files are ejb.jar.txt and ejb.jar.xml.

For a more complex example, the following command runs the verifier on the ejb.jar file in portability mode displaying only failures and with a timestamp:

verifier -p -rf -t ejb.jar

The results files are ejb.jartimestamp.txt and ejb.jartimestamp.xml. The format of the timestamp is yyyyMMddhhmmss.

If the verifier runs successfully and no verification errors occurred, a result code of 0 is returned. A nonzero error code is returned if errors occurred or the verifier fails to run.

Ant Integration

You can integrate the verifier into an Ant build file as a target and use the Ant call feature to call the target each time an application or module is assembled. You can use any of the arguments described in Table 1–1. Example code for an Ant verify target is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<project name="Verifier Launcher" default="verify">
    <target name="verify" description="verify using verifier script">
        <exec executable="as-install/bin/verifier" 
                failonerror="true" vmlauncher="false">
            <arg line="-d /tmp path-to-app"/>

Sample Results Files

Here is a sample results XML file:

Session bean with bean managed transaction demarcation test
For [ TheGreeter ] Error: Session Beans [ TheGreeter ] with 
[ Bean ] managed transaction demarcation should not have 
container transactions defined.

Here is a sample results TXT file:


# of Failures : 1
# of Warnings : 0
# of Errors : 0



Test Name : tests.ejb.ejb30.BusinessIntfInheritance
Test Assertion : A business interface must not extend javax.ejb.EJBObject 
or javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject. Please refer to EJB 3.0 Simplified API Section 
#3.2 for further information.
Test Description : For [ sessionApp#session-ejb.jar#HelloEJB ]
[ com.sun.sample.session.Hello ] extends either javax.ejb.EJBObject or 
