Sun GlassFish Communications Server 2.0 Application Deployment Guide
 ACC clients
  deploying ( Index Term Link )
  module definition ( Index Term Link )
  preparing the client machine ( Index Term Link )
 activation-config element ( Index Term Link )
 activation-config-property element ( Index Term Link )
 activation-config-property-name element ( Index Term Link )
 activation-config-property-value element ( Index Term Link )
 address attribute ( Index Term Link )
 Admin Console
  using for deployment ( Index Term Link )
  using for dynamic reloading ( Index Term Link )
  using for lifecycle module deployment ( Index Term Link )
  using to disable modules and applications ( Index Term Link )
 agent attribute ( Index Term Link )
 allowLinking property ( Index Term Link )
 alternatedocroot_n property ( Index Term Link )
 annotation ( Index Term Link )
 Apache Ant
  and deployment descriptor verification ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 appclient script ( Index Term Link )
  See also modules
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  deployment plan ( Index Term Link )
  directory structure ( Index Term Link )
  disabling ( Index Term Link )
  naming ( Index Term Link )
  redeploying ( Index Term Link )
 as-context element ( Index Term Link )
 asadmin create-lifecycle-module command ( Index Term Link )
 asadmin deploy command ( Index Term Link )
  --force option ( Index Term Link )
  --precompilejsp option ( Index Term Link )
 asadmin deploydir command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 asadmin get-client-stubs command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 asenv.conf file ( Index Term Link )
  of EJB components ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
 auth-layer attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 auth-method element ( Index Term Link )
 auth-realm element ( Index Term Link )
 auth-recipient attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 auth-source attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 authentication, realm ( Index Term Link )
 autodeployment ( Index Term Link )
 availability-enabled attribute ( Index Term Link )
 BaseCache cacheClassName value ( Index Term Link )
 bean-cache element ( Index Term Link )
 bean-pool element ( Index Term Link )
 BoundedMultiLruCache cacheClassName value ( Index Term Link )
 cache element ( Index Term Link )
 cache-helper element ( Index Term Link )
 cache-helper-ref element ( Index Term Link )
 cache-idle-timeout-in-seconds element ( Index Term Link )
 cache-mapping element ( Index Term Link )
 cache-on-match attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 cache-on-match-failure attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 cacheClassName property ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 CacheHelper interface ( Index Term Link )
 cacheKeyGeneratorAttrName property ( Index Term Link )
 call-property element ( Index Term Link )
 caller-propagation element ( Index Term Link )
 central repository, applications deployed to ( Index Term Link )
 cert-db element ( Index Term Link )
 cert-nickname attribute ( Index Term Link )
 charset attribute ( Index Term Link )
 check-all-at-commit element ( Index Term Link )
 check-modified-at-commit element ( Index Term Link )
 check-version-of-accessed-instances element ( Index Term Link )
 checkInterval property ( Index Term Link )
 checkpoint-at-end-of-method element ( Index Term Link )
 checkpointed-methods element ( Index Term Link )
 class loader delegation model ( Index Term Link )
 class-loader element ( Index Term Link )
 class-name attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 classdebuginfo property ( Index Term Link )
 classname attribute ( Index Term Link )
 classpath property ( Index Term Link )
 client-container element ( Index Term Link )
 client-credential element ( Index Term Link )
 client JAR file ( Index Term Link )
 cmp element ( Index Term Link )
 cmp-field-mapping element ( Index Term Link )
 cmp-resource element ( Index Term Link )
 cmr-field-mapping element ( Index Term Link )
 cmr-field-name element ( Index Term Link )
 cmt-timeout-in-seconds element ( Index Term Link )
 column-name element ( Index Term Link )
 column-pair element ( Index Term Link )
 commit-option element ( Index Term Link )
 compiler property ( Index Term Link )
 compilerSourceVM property ( Index Term Link )
 compilerTargetVM property ( Index Term Link )
 confidentiality element ( Index Term Link )
  deploying ( Index Term Link )
  module definition ( Index Term Link )
 consistency element ( Index Term Link )
 constraint-field element ( Index Term Link )
 constraint-field-value element ( Index Term Link )
 context-root element ( Index Term Link )
 cookie-properties element ( Index Term Link )
 cookieComment property ( Index Term Link )
 cookieDomain property ( Index Term Link )
 cookieMaxAgeSeconds property ( Index Term Link )
 cookiePath property ( Index Term Link )
 cookieSecure property ( Index Term Link )
 create-tables-at-deploy element ( Index Term Link )
 crossContextAllowed property ( Index Term Link )
 database-vendor-name element ( Index Term Link )
 .dbschema file ( Index Term Link )
 debugging-enabled element ( Index Term Link )
 default-charset attribute ( Index Term Link )
 default-client-provider attribute ( Index Term Link )
 default element ( Index Term Link )
 default-helper element ( Index Term Link )
 default-locale attribute ( Index Term Link )
 default-provider attribute ( Index Term Link )
 default-resource-principal element ( Index Term Link )
 defaultBufferNone property ( Index Term Link )
 delegate attribute ( Index Term Link )
 delegation model for classloaders ( Index Term Link )
  directory deployment ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  disabling deployed applications and modules ( Index Term Link )
  dynamic ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  errors during ( Index Term Link )
  forcing ( Index Term Link )
  JSR 88 ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  life cycle ( Index Term Link )
  module or application based ( Index Term Link )
  of ACC clients ( Index Term Link )
  of connectors ( Index Term Link )
  of EJB components ( Index Term Link )
  of lifecycle modules ( Index Term Link )
  of SIP modules ( Index Term Link )
  of web applications ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  redeployment ( Index Term Link )
  standard Java EE descriptors ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Java System Application Server descriptors ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  tools for ( Index Term Link )
  undeploying an application or module ( Index Term Link )
  using the Admin Console ( Index Term Link )
  verifying descriptor correctness ( Index Term Link )
 deployment plan ( Index Term Link )
 description element ( Index Term Link )
 development property ( Index Term Link )
 directory deployment ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 directory property ( Index Term Link )
 dispatcher element ( Index Term Link )
 domain, deploying applications to ( Index Term Link )
 domain.xml file, keeping stubs ( Index Term Link )
 drop-tables-at-undeploy element ( Index Term Link )
 DTD files ( Index Term Link )
  location of ( Index Term Link )
 dumpSmap property ( Index Term Link )
  deployment ( Index Term Link )
  reloading ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic deployment ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic-reload-interval attribute ( Index Term Link )
 EJB components
  assembling ( Index Term Link )
  deploying ( Index Term Link )
  elements ( Index Term Link )
  generated source code ( Index Term Link )
  module definition ( Index Term Link )
 ejb element ( Index Term Link )
 ejb-name element ( Index Term Link )
 ejb-ref element ( Index Term Link )
 ejb-ref-name element ( Index Term Link )
 elements in XML files ( Index Term Link )
 eligible element ( Index Term Link )
 enableCookies property ( Index Term Link )
 enabled attribute ( Index Term Link )
 enablePooling property ( Index Term Link )
 enableTldValidation property ( Index Term Link )
 enableURLRewriting property ( Index Term Link )
 encoding, of JSP files ( Index Term Link )
 endpoint-address-uri element ( Index Term Link )
 enterprise-beans element ( Index Term Link )
 entity-mapping element ( Index Term Link )
 error-url attribute ( Index Term Link )
 errorOnUseBeanInvalidClassAttribute property ( Index Term Link )
 errors during deployment ( Index Term Link )
 establish-trust-in-client element ( Index Term Link )
 establish-trust-in-target element ( Index Term Link )
 extra-class-path attribute ( Index Term Link )
 fetched-with element ( Index Term Link )
 field-name element ( Index Term Link )
 finder element ( Index Term Link )
 flush-at-end-of-method element ( Index Term Link )
 forcing deployment ( Index Term Link )
 fork property ( Index Term Link )
 form-hint-field attribute ( Index Term Link )
 genStrAsByteArray property ( Index Term Link )
 genStrAsCharArray property ( Index Term Link )
 getDeploymentManager method, URI for ( Index Term Link )
 getParameter method ( Index Term Link )
 getReader method ( Index Term Link )
 group-name element ( Index Term Link )
 groups in realms ( Index Term Link )
 http-method element ( Index Term Link )
 httpMethods property ( Index Term Link )
 httpservlet-security-provider attribute ( Index Term Link )
 idempotent-url-pattern element ( Index Term Link )
 ieClassId property ( Index Term Link )
 ignoreHiddenJarFiles property ( Index Term Link )
 ignoreJspFragmentErrors property ( Index Term Link )
 IIOP/SSL configuration ( Index Term Link )
 initialCapacity property ( Index Term Link )
 integrity element ( Index Term Link )
 ior-security-config element ( Index Term Link )
 is-cache-overflow-allowed element ( Index Term Link )
 is-failure-fatal attribute ( Index Term Link )
 is-one-one-cmp element ( Index Term Link )
 is-read-only-bean element ( Index Term Link )
 JAR Extension Mechanism Architecture ( Index Term Link )
 JAR file, client for a deployed application ( Index Term Link )
 java-config element ( Index Term Link )
 Java EE, standard deployment descriptors ( Index Term Link )
 Java Message Service, See JMS
 java-method element ( Index Term Link )
 Java Web Start ( Index Term Link )
 java-web-start-access element ( Index Term Link )
 javaEncoding property ( Index Term Link )
 jbi-enabled property ( Index Term Link )
 JMS ( Index Term Link )
 jms-durable-subscription-name element ( Index Term Link )
 jms-max-messages-load ( Index Term Link )
 JNDI, lookup names for EJB components ( Index Term Link )
 jndi-name element ( Index Term Link )
 jsp-config element ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 JSP files
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  encoding of ( Index Term Link )
  generated source code ( Index Term Link )
  precompiling ( Index Term Link )
 JSR 88 deployment ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 -keepgenerated flag ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 keepgenerated property ( Index Term Link )
 key-field element ( Index Term Link )
 level attribute ( Index Term Link )
 level element ( Index Term Link )
 lib directory
  and ACC clients ( Index Term Link )
  DTD file location ( Index Term Link )
 libraries ( Index Term Link )
 lifecycle modules, deploying ( Index Term Link )
 locale attribute ( Index Term Link )
 locale-charset-info element ( Index Term Link )
 locale-charset-map element ( Index Term Link )
 localpart element ( Index Term Link )
 lock-when-loaded element ( Index Term Link )
 lock-when-modified element ( Index Term Link )
 log-file attribute ( Index Term Link )
 log-service element ( Index Term Link )
 login-config element ( Index Term Link )
 LruCache cacheClassName value ( Index Term Link )
 manager-properties element ( Index Term Link )
 mappedfile property ( Index Term Link )
 mapping-properties element ( Index Term Link )
 match-expr attribute ( Index Term Link )
 max-cache-size element ( Index Term Link )
 max-entries attribute ( Index Term Link )
 max-pool-size element ( Index Term Link )
 max-wait-time-in-millis element ( Index Term Link )
 maxSessions property ( Index Term Link )
 MaxSize property ( Index Term Link )
 mdb-connection-factory element ( Index Term Link )
 mdb-resource-adapter element ( Index Term Link )
 message-destination element ( Index Term Link )
 message-destination-name element ( Index Term Link )
 message-destination-ref element ( Index Term Link )
 message-destination-ref-name element ( Index Term Link )
 message element ( Index Term Link )
 message-security-binding element ( Index Term Link )
 message-security-config element ( Index Term Link )
 message-security element ( Index Term Link )
 method element ( Index Term Link )
 method-intf element ( Index Term Link )
 method-name element ( Index Term Link )
 method-param element ( Index Term Link )
 method-params element ( Index Term Link )
 modificationTestInterval property ( Index Term Link )
  See also applications
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  directory structure ( Index Term Link )
  disabling ( Index Term Link )
  individual deployment of ( Index Term Link )
  naming ( Index Term Link )
 MultiLruCache cacheClassName value ( Index Term Link )
 MultiLRUSegmentSize property ( Index Term Link )
 name element ( Index Term Link )
 named-group element ( Index Term Link )
 namespaceURI element ( Index Term Link )
 NetBeans, using for assembly ( Index Term Link )
 no-of-retries attribute ( Index Term Link )
 none element ( Index Term Link )
 one-one-finders element ( Index Term Link )
 operation-name element ( Index Term Link )
 package-appclient script ( Index Term Link )
 packaging, See assembly
 parameter-encoding element ( Index Term Link )
 pass-by-reference element ( Index Term Link )
 pass-by-value semantics ( Index Term Link )
 password element ( Index Term Link )
 path attribute ( Index Term Link )
 persistence-type attribute ( Index Term Link )
 persistenceFrequency property ( Index Term Link )
 persistenceScope property ( Index Term Link )
 plugin tag ( Index Term Link )
 pm-descriptors element ( Index Term Link )
 pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds element ( Index Term Link )
 port attribute, target-server element ( Index Term Link )
 port-component-name element ( Index Term Link )
 port-info element ( Index Term Link )
 --precompilejsp option ( Index Term Link )
 prefetch-disabled element ( Index Term Link )
 principal element ( Index Term Link )
 principal-name element ( Index Term Link )
  about ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 property element ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 provider-config element ( Index Term Link )
 provider-id attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 provider-type attribute ( Index Term Link )
 query-filter element ( Index Term Link )
 query-method element ( Index Term Link )
 query-ordering element ( Index Term Link )
 query-params element ( Index Term Link )
 query-variables element ( Index Term Link )
 read-only element ( Index Term Link )
 realm attribute ( Index Term Link )
 realm element ( Index Term Link )
 realms ( Index Term Link )
  mapping groups and users to ( Index Term Link )
 reapIntervalSeconds property ( Index Term Link )
 redeploying applications ( Index Term Link )
 redeployment ( Index Term Link )
 refresh-field element ( Index Term Link )
 refresh-period-in-seconds element ( Index Term Link )
 relativeRedirectAllowed property ( Index Term Link )
 .reload file ( Index Term Link )
 reload-interval property ( Index Term Link )
 reloading, dynamic ( Index Term Link )
 removal-timeout-in-seconds element ( Index Term Link )
 request-policy element ( Index Term Link )
 request-protection element ( Index Term Link )
 required element ( Index Term Link )
 res-ref-name element ( Index Term Link )
 resize-quantity element ( Index Term Link )
 resource-adapter-mid element ( Index Term Link )
 resource-env-ref element ( Index Term Link )
 resource-env-ref-name element ( Index Term Link )
 resource-ref element ( Index Term Link )
 response-policy element ( Index Term Link )
 response-protection element ( Index Term Link )
 reuseSessionID property ( Index Term Link )
 rmic-options attribute ( Index Term Link )
 role-name element ( Index Term Link )
 sas-context element ( Index Term Link )
 saveBytecode property ( Index Term Link )
 schema element ( Index Term Link )
 schema example ( Index Term Link )
 schema-generator-properties element ( Index Term Link )
 scope attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 scratchdir property ( Index Term Link )
 secondary table ( Index Term Link )
 secondary-table element ( Index Term Link )
 securePagesWithPragma property ( Index Term Link )
 security element ( Index Term Link )
 security-role-mapping element ( Index Term Link )
 send-password attribute ( Index Term Link )
  lib directory of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Java System Application Server deployment descriptors ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 service-endpoint-interface element ( Index Term Link )
 service-impl-class element ( Index Term Link )
 service-qname element ( Index Term Link )
 service-ref element ( Index Term Link )
 service-ref-name element ( Index Term Link )
 servlet element ( Index Term Link )
 servlet-impl-class element ( Index Term Link )
 servlet-name element ( Index Term Link )
 session-config element ( Index Term Link )
 session-manager element ( Index Term Link )
 session-properties element ( Index Term Link )
 session-timeout element ( Index Term Link )
 sessionFilename property ( Index Term Link )
  and dynamic redeployment ( Index Term Link )
  and dynamic reloading ( Index Term Link )
 singleThreadedServletPoolSize property ( Index Term Link )
 SIP applications, See SIP modules
 SIP modules
  deploying ( Index Term Link )
  module definition ( Index Term Link )
 ssl element ( Index Term Link )
 ssl2-ciphers attribute ( Index Term Link )
 ssl2-enabled attribute ( Index Term Link )
 ssl3-enabled attribute ( Index Term Link )
 ssl3-tls-ciphers attribute ( Index Term Link )
 steady-pool-size element ( Index Term Link )
 store-properties element ( Index Term Link )
 stub-property element ( Index Term Link )
  keeping ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving after deployment ( Index Term Link )
 sun-acc.xml file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  elements in ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 sun-application_5_0-0.dtd file ( Index Term Link )
 sun-application-client_5_0-0.dtd file ( Index Term Link )
 sun-application-client-container_1_2.dtd file ( Index Term Link )
 sun-application-client element ( Index Term Link )
 sun-application-client.xml file ( Index Term Link )
  elements in ( Index Term Link )
  example of ( Index Term Link )
 sun-application element ( Index Term Link )
 sun-application.xml file ( Index Term Link )
  elements in ( Index Term Link )
  example of ( Index Term Link )
 sun-cmp-mapping_1_2.dtd file ( Index Term Link )
 sun-cmp-mapping element ( Index Term Link )
 sun-cmp-mappings element ( Index Term Link )
 sun-cmp-mappings.xml file ( Index Term Link )
  elements in ( Index Term Link )
  example of ( Index Term Link )
 sun-ejb-jar_3_0-0.dtd file ( Index Term Link )
 sun-ejb-jar element ( Index Term Link )
 sun-ejb-jar.xml file ( Index Term Link )
  elements in ( Index Term Link )
  example of ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Java System Message Queue ( Index Term Link )
 sun-sip-app_1_1-0.dtd file ( Index Term Link )
 sun-sip-app element ( Index Term Link )
 sun-sip.xml file ( Index Term Link )
  elements in ( Index Term Link )
  example of ( Index Term Link )
 sun-web-app_2_5-0.dtd file ( Index Term Link )
 sun-web-app element ( Index Term Link )
 sun-web.xml file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  elements in ( Index Term Link )
  example of ( Index Term Link )
 suppressSmap property ( Index Term Link )
 table-name element ( Index Term Link )
 target-server element ( Index Term Link )
 targets, of deployed applications ( Index Term Link )
 tempdir property ( Index Term Link )
 tie-class element ( Index Term Link )
 timeout element ( Index Term Link )
 timeout-in-seconds attribute ( Index Term Link )
 timeoutSeconds property ( Index Term Link )
 tls-enabled attribute ( Index Term Link )
 tls-rollback-enabled attribute ( Index Term Link )
 tools, for deployment ( Index Term Link )
 transport-config element ( Index Term Link )
 transport-guarantee element ( Index Term Link )
 trimSpaces property ( Index Term Link )
 trust-auth-realm-ref property ( Index Term Link )
 trust-id-ref property ( Index Term Link )
 unique-id element ( Index Term Link )
 URI, configuring for an application ( Index Term Link )
 url-pattern attribute ( Index Term Link )
 url-pattern element ( Index Term Link )
 use-thread-pool-id element ( Index Term Link )
 use-unique-table-names property ( Index Term Link )
 usePrecompiled property ( Index Term Link )
 user-name attribute ( Index Term Link )
 useResponseCTForHeaders property ( Index Term Link )
 users in realms ( Index Term Link )
 utility classes ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 value attribute ( Index Term Link )
 value element ( Index Term Link )
 vendor element ( Index Term Link )
 verifier tool ( Index Term Link )
 victim-selection-policy element ( Index Term Link )
 web applications
  deploying ( Index Term Link )
  module definition ( Index Term Link )
 web element ( Index Term Link )
 web services
  debugging ( Index Term Link )
  deployment ( Index Term Link )
 web-uri element ( Index Term Link )
 webservice-description element ( Index Term Link )
 webservice-description-name element ( Index Term Link )
 webservice-endpoint element ( Index Term Link )
 wsdl-override element ( Index Term Link )
 wsdl-port element ( Index Term Link )
 wsdl-publish-location element ( Index Term Link )
 XML specification ( Index Term Link )
 XML syntax verifier ( Index Term Link )
 xpoweredBy property ( Index Term Link )